
IMDb member since August 2005
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    19 years


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Not worth it.
Warning: Extreme animal cruelty.

I dunno how can they filmed on poor animals for fun? They kicked the cows, forced them in the narrowed fence for inject, etc... while filming? Geez!

A boy was injured because of that cows that burst him? I know it's just a movie but still it's not true.

There are so many cruelties going on that movie. They dragged around pigs' feet as sports, etc... that made my blood boil real bad.

The director and the writers were heartless. In my personal opinion... that movie should be deleted... honestly. Please ban that movie and then delete it.

Boycott this movie...

A Cinderella Story: If the Shoe Fits

Lack of Closed caption or subtitles.
Music scene, there is no closed caption. Pure garbage. I gave you a small star.

Please fix it.

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