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The Retirement Plan

Deplorable, at best.
Acting was so painful to watch. Which is a shame since I had big hopes for this film. Ron Perlman? Awesome! But not in this movie... Jackie Earl Haley? Not the Rorshach of Watchmen days... Nick Cage? Worn out from years away... just horrible on so many levels... the credits should have all the stars listed as "uncredited" like Alec Baldwin did after being involved with The Adventures of Pluto Nash. I'd be embarrassed about this film if I were in it. I've seen better acting and special effects in a local high school production of Little Shop of Horrors... please think about wasting your time watching this movie. There is good paint drying somewhere that needs the audience more..

Project Bakeover: Fresh Baked Fun
Episode 9, Season 2

Love the show, but this episode.... Wow....
Usually Tiffany is somewhat on point with her remodel ideas. Most require some god awful wallpaper that she somehow makes work. Others seem very professional with a gimmick or a hook to bring customers in. BUT, this episode.... The poor owner had his clean, modern bakery; turned into a room out of Tiajuana . Where's the room for the Horse and Donkey show? Tiffany absolutely RUINED this man's livelihood. She needs to stop with these gaudy wallpapers and beatnik themes and LISTEN to the customer/ owner. This one was a huge let down... find another interior designer that is not a crazy person... thank you... but Steve rocks! Talented artist and chef!

The Pale Blue Eye

Snooze fest
Started slow, progressed slow and anticlimactic end. Please send me money for the time I wasted. I saw Bale and was anticipating something decent. But seriously? The fat kid from Harry Potter?? You'd have a better actor with Jonah Hill... and that is a horrendous mess in and of himself. I just think Netflix is clumping any old idea together just to push out mediocre cinema. The attempt to recreate Sleepy Hollow or The Brothers Grimm are ever present, and this disappointed thoroughly. May the next debacle be at least moderately better. So as for this dump of a film, please; for the love of all that is holy, STOP with the high school cinema club scripts and READ scripts before wasting time on production. Finé.

Red Notice

A very entertaining watch
In the spirit of "6 Underground", this action packed super sleuth left me entertained.

A bit predictable at times, twists and turns still are present.

The "one step ahead of the stereotypical law enforcement officer" bit wore a bit thin by mid-film. Reynolds and Johnson work well together actually. One will not be disappointed by the Reynolds sarcastic banter. Always a fan!

I'd certainly like to see a sequel.

Baking Impossible

Interesting marriage of shows!
Great ingenuity and baking skills! But WHY (or how) are the contestants in the SAME clothes for the series??? No way could they film the entire series on one day!

Cosmic Sin

Just couldn't do it...
I'm a proponent of reading reviews on a film, then basing my viewing in an effort to confirm or dispel the posts. Sadly, I agree with the majority of the reviews on this "film". That being said, still a Willis fan. Grillo? I thought Boss Level was incredibly violent and cheeky; so I believed this would be around the same "Level", alas... I was again incorrect... munroe will always be in need of more credit than he gets. People don't realize just how many films and shows he has added to! He is extremely underrated and deserves more. But his role here was that of a typical soldier-grunt that I believe put a glass ceiling on his acting abilities. All in all, I had to turn this off when he got called in the coconut... no other reason to watch this mess... If anyone is looking to make better movies, my nephew has his elementary school Christmas pageant coming up in a few months. There may be better talent than this debacle..

Lucifer: Bloody Celestial Karaoke Jam
Episode 10, Season 5

This episode was a refreshing break from the typical "Law and Order" - crime drama show. Plucky and lighthearted with the necessary tones to keep the theme in-line.

And two words: Dennis Haysbert!! Nothing more needs to be said! He is masterful and puts the perfect icing on this cake of a show!!

Well done to all involved for this and all episodes!


Plot line is captivating
With touches on the biblical senses, drama from relationships and the special effects added throughout; I feel this show has carried its weight and will ride a long time.

Lauren German is incredible! Though the second half of the new season; she looks a bit "too thin"... almost and unhealthy thin... I hope she is ok. But I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers still!!

Keep up the good work all!!!

Dance Moms

These moms should be ashamed of their behavior around their children. A bunch or middle aged "Haus Fraü's" trying to live through their daughters. Sad, very sad.

If you watch this, pay close attention. You are watching the inception of teenage alcoholism and drug use. With parents like this, I'd safely wager any dollar amount that more than one kid will become addicted to some substance because of this psychological trauma they are experiencing,

Please, make sure society never has another series like this. No more shows designed for the vulture-viewers at the expense of the innocent. Sad.

Coming 2 America

Very well done
As with most sequels, one cannot expect 100% originality. Hence, the sequel. If you go into this movie knowing it is not going to be as fresh as the first; you will enjoy this film. I picked up on the subtle nod to Trading Places by the grandson of Mortimer Duke (another classic Eddie Murphy masterpiece). And the revisiting of all characters from Coming to America made every turn a surprise. Even those from the first film that had no real weight to the cast were returned for an appearance! Well done by Murphy and Hall. Also, to the neigh-sayers posting this movie as "deplorable"; it's just a movie... about 2 hours out of the day away from masks, social distancing and Covid shots. So why the grief and bad reviews?? It provoked a smile and it was welcomed entertainment. But above all, it was a great flashback to a time we could gather without having to bathe in sanitizer or wear two masks and limit how many people we had in our homes. Thank you to all who helped pay homage to a true classic. Well done!


Truly a series that changes the way one enjoys the classic Sherlock Holmes stories. This series was expertly crafted and the performances delivered by all are beyond words. I heard a rumor, this series will continue and I , for one; am eagerly awaiting more from this incredible cast. I'm angry at myself for not watching this series sooner.

An emphatic WELL DONE to all involved with the screenplay, cast, script, camera work and effects!

Please continue this series!!!!!

Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath

Eye opening, but skeptical
Incredible footage, stories and information. Yet I sit back and wonder: Is Leah a "plant" by the Church? Is she looking to be the investigative bull dog just as a placed antagonist on behalf of this church? Ultimately, from what I've seen and have learned; this "religion" is as goofy as the waterheads that walked in freely. I certainly hope Leah is true and sincere. I pray the people stuck in this situation see the light and get to leave (with some of their money). Is that Miscaviage guy a real life villain. A liar, cheater, swindler, thief and deceptive person?? Where is his interview? Where are the lie detectors to dispel these accounts of mistreatments? The trained body language interpreters to pick up physiological cues on if someone is lying? If he doesn't have anything to hide, then put the lawyers back in their cages and come out to take a Q&A session. If he's a "genius" as churchgoers regale, then it shouldn't be an issue for him to have a nice Crossfire Q&A to clear his name. Sadly, that'll never happen...

Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

A great follow-up piece
Though, not nearly as funny as the first film ; and several "gasp worthy" scenes short as the previous, this was a great way to appease the Borat in us all. Yeah, the political rhetoric is obviously Anti-Trump, but hey, it's 2020 and everyone is pissed off at something. I found a few moments that sparked a laugh, and generally entertaining throughout. But what can Cohen do? Kids, senior citizens and everyone between know of Borat. It's not like he can hide anywhere! The costumes were a great addition! Super curious how many Civil suits the production company and Cohen get hit with... but I'd watch this again!! Give it a whirl!!

Cobra Kai: Different but Same
Episode 9, Season 1

I totally love the dips back in time! And to see Daniel and Johnny jam out; almost seems like there will be a happy end. Though that wouldn't make for a good series. Still, enamored at this and all episodes to this point!

The American Barbecue Showdown: Don't Need Teeth to Eat This Beef
Episode 3, Season 1

We need to invent "Taste-O-Vision" for this episode!! OMG does that set look amazing! I can only imagine the smells in that kitchen!

Great episode, yet I'm so envious😞😞


Lucifer: Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!
Episode 2, Season 5

Great episode !!!
Others have posted "spoiler alerts", but I will not. Just a little note expressing the mind-bend of Tom Ellis stepping away from his Welsh dialect and sounding like one of the guys on the block here in USA! Great experience and it shows the acting chops of this diverse actor! Great job, Tom!!

Palm Springs

Not a bad watch!
Though it was better when it was called Groundhog Day, it still was a decent movie! That said, it's a "one-time only" viewing. Modernized version of the Bill Murray classic, but mirror image on the premise.

Devil's Acid

SHORT on Laughs... pun intended
Horrible acting, even worse writing. Plot was absent before the opening credits. Sadly, the opening "Grindhouse" or "planet terror" rip off was the best thing about this movie! Everything else needed to be aborted from the sales pitch to the B-Movie production company.

Do NOT waste your time with this half-pint of a movie. SMDH, I will never get the wasted time back. I could have been popping zits or swabbing the inside of my junk for STD's....

Jay and Silent Bob Reboot

Watch this to witness bad cinema
Why, oh why???? All the good and lasting memories of this movie franchise were set ablaze in my mind.

From the horrible dentures preventing Jason Mewes from speaking like the heroin junkie he is; to the unhealthy looking - tapeworm infected- bean pole that Kevin Smith has become... and the aged ex-movie/tv stars as "cameo's" ... Jesus, why have you allowed this production to reach any form of media sharing devices???

Please, for the love of all that is holy, stop the insanity! Jay and silent bob are easily 20 years past entertaining...

Reboot the dumpster and be happy with the drug recovery programs....

Mr. Right

Very entertaining!! Great story line and the action is great!
A very lighthearted film with a pseudo rom-com-violent-loving vibe!👍🏼

Well worth the view !!

Sad they won't make a second. Rockwell and Kendrick are great together !!

Lego Masters

Society has failed
We seriously have lost all hope for entertainment...

what's next?? A show on alphabetizing DVD collections?

Lego's?? How boring!! Even worse with Will Arnett's washed up comedy... could only be worse if Carrot Top was the host...

Please, for the love of all that's Holy, remove this show from the broadcast line up.

OR, replace the Lego's with nude-Twister competitions... that is all

Bakers vs. Fakers

Nice concept, judges need revamping
I've watched Buddy's show Cake Boss for years, always comes up with great ideas and executes them incredibly!

Now, that being said, let's talk about the judges... who's bright idea was to let Demaris Phillips sit on any panel of judges?? She is clueless and obviously knows nothing about baking. It's also obvious that Buddy can't stand her either ... do the show a favor and toss that heifer out to the trash where she belongs... I'd watch more shows with the little gay Zach judge. He's a peach!!!

But a great family show with creative ideas!!

6 Underground

Jesus H. Tap-Dancing Christ in a Wheelbarrow!
A-maze-ing!! Yes, spelled incorrectly for pronunciation purposes, but still!

All I can say is WOW!

Skeptical at first, as I didn't hear much media buzz about 6 Underground; but simply stunning, attention-grabbing and eye opening!

I hate to compare these two films, but the first 20 minutes of 6 Underground reminded me of the first 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan.

No, not the actual relevance of real word events, hell, death and tragedy, but the cinematography created by the Master: Mr. Bey.

Saving Private Ryan had audiences more than captivated. You could have driven a truck into the theater and not one person would have looked away from the movie screen with that piece of Film Perfection inthe first 20-45 minutes.

Again, not trying to associate the two, but I was so enamored by just the first half hour of "6", that I actually ate a whole can of Chef Boyer-dee, and didn't even realize it!! I just couldn't look away! (Enter: beef-a-roni stomach ache)

Sad that lil Davey Franco had such a short appearance, though I would love to see him as a prequel to the prequel of the prequel (?) if that makes sense... Don't think it would work with the fact he was dumped to "sleep with the fishes" here, but maybe if there is a "7" or even a "5 Underground" for a sequel, I think the Franco would shine!

Ryan Reynolds is cinematic gold! Serious and heartwarming as such movies like School of Life, yet "smart-ass-ey" like a Deadpool pioneer! I would suggest a bit more combat scenes with Ryan (much like his Blade: Trinity scenes and Deadpool) as he can whoop some ass!

Femme Fatales: O M G! Great choices with these vixens! Dangerous and hot! Excited to see them return!

People, what Michael Bey did for Transformers, has returned for this film! Stunning aerial shots, car chases with KILLER CRASHES (pun intended) and just good ol' fashioned ACTION!! Made my week!! ( Which was rather hellish, but that's another Talk Show)

Anyway, this movie had all elements for a great time! Thank you for this, Mikey Bey and writers!

Perhaps the ending will have them taking on those dangerous Norwegians in the next film????? Hey, a guy can dream right??

Check this movie out folks, it won't dissappoint!

Higher Power

Could have been worse, but a decent viewing!
Skeptical, but nonetheless, gave it a view. I must say, this movie could have been much worse. Plot line was decent, characters needed some work, special effects were astounding! Eldard played a decent role and is often the "unsung" hero in most pieces he is in. I felt his rage in certain scenes!! But solid work all around.

The film could have benefited with some nude scenes, but that's just my take. Not sure how they would tie this into a second movie or a continuation. Though if they did, I would check that out too. All in all, worth the 94 minutes!

Rust Valley Restorers

Having grown up on the "West Coast Customs" "Monster Garage" and "Orange County Choppers", I hoped this would have the same feel as those shows.

The Father / Son drama is light (more chair throwing would be nice) and of course the token "Waterhead" buffoonery in the garage (Avery) is comforting.

All in all, some more hot chicks are needed in the cast and some more car shows with finished products.

Mike is a decent dude, but fits the psych profile of a typical hoarder... part with stuff and make that dough man!!!

I'll continue to watch this though.

Request: More ladies in the next season please!!😜

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