
IMDb member since June 2016
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Bedtime with Barney: Imagination Island

Better than "Citizen Cane"
I absolutely love this movie, and I think this is a masterpiece. You might think that I'm being sarcastic, but I am not. I love everything about this movie, the songs, the acting, the story, the directing, BUT ESPECIALLY PROFESSOR TINKERPUTT! Anyone who has seen this movie will tell you that Professor Tinkerputt is one of the funniest and most complex characters in children's TV of all time. His song is also great. This is easily the best thing to come out of the Barney, and I really wish this had been released in theaters instead of Barney's Great Adventure. That movie is GARBAGE!!! I'm sure that Imagination Island would've been in the top 10 greatest films list by AFI if it hadn't been released as a TV movie.

Batman & Robin

Why does this exist?
This movie sucks so bad. Schumacher is gay. And this is easily George Clooney's worst role ever, as well as Arnold Schwartzeneggar. This movie is a shame to Batman and the original Batman movies. I get that this is trying to be like the original '66 television series, but fails so badly. It feels like it's trying to be a movie and a TV show at the same time, which stinks.

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