
IMDb member since June 2016
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Mega Man: Fully Charged

Horrible just horrible
Ok so going into this show I had some high hopes it could be good I'm a huge mega Man fan so I was excited to hear they were making a Mega Man cartoon, only to find out it's a 3D animated series, I'm not a big fan of tv shows with 3D animation it's usually lazy and it just looks weird. The animation is lazy and just garbage, the voice acting is bad, and it's like the creators have never played a Mega Man game. And the 16 bit animation is eh if they used the actual sprites from the game then it would look a lot better. My rating a 1/10

The Emoji Movie

Not as bad as everyone says it is
First of all this movie is indeed garbage but is it the worst animated movie of all time? No. It is awful but seriously? A lower score than Norm of the north, Foodfight etc. OK time for the review, I saw this movie the other day and it was really meh and boring. The jokes were not funny and some of them felt like they were trying to be funny but failing miserably, I did smile or chuckle at a few. There were only 3 jokes in the movie that made me laugh but most of the times I laughed was with me and my friend making jokes about the movie that were funnier than the movie itself. I don't get why this movie exists, Emoji's aren't relevant anymore, It try's to appeal to the "younger" audience by using Emoji's but look at the gross of the movie and you can see they failed. There was literally no one else in the theater so Sony messed up big time. It also felt extremely similar to the Lego movie (which is a amazing movie) I mean there were robots trying who look the exact same trying to kill the main characters, and the character Wlydstyle and Jailbreak look exactly the Same!! WHAT THE HECK SONY. Sony you canceled Popeye for this! I cant believe you Sony

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