
IMDb member since June 2016
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne
Episode 6, Season 8

Perfect end to the show
A perfect way to end this show. Don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't seen it yet, but it's an amazing end on several levels. Watch it and ignore the haters.


This film commits the biggest sin a comedy can, by being boring. The "comedic" parts of the film falls utterly flat combined with the terrible performances given by the main cast.

With more jumpcuts than a YouTube vlog, there is nothing redeeming about this film that would make it worth watching. Save yourself and stay far away!

Gojira: hoshi wo kû mono

A satisfying end to the Godzilla trilogy
So if you didn't enjoy the other films in the trilogy, you're not gonna like this one. If you want a full on godzilla action film set in the future it's not this film.

Compared to the pace of the other films in the series this one focuses more on a slow build up and suspense. In that sense it's more akin to the original Godzilla film. However if that's not to your liking, skip this film.

Overall it is a satisfying conclusion to this series with striking visuals and an epic soundtrack. It's major drawback is it's main character Haruo, an in general boring protagonist. However he does manage to become more interesting in this final film and I find myself caring more about his struggle.

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