
IMDb member since July 2016
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    IMDb Member
    7 years



This show sucks.
The animation sucks, the voicing sucks, the character development sucks, the plot sucks, the idea sucks, the fact that it was re-aired sucks. Everything about this show sucks! Oh my God. Why do people like it? First off... The animating is terrible. It looks like a four year old drew those graphics. Second of all... What was going on? The show doesn't follow a plot so yeah. Third of all, the theme song. It makes you want to blow up like Cailou's theme song. And finally... The reviews. Why do people like it, you ask? Well, it's because they are drunk. The theme song is nothing like the good PBS show theme songs (such as Liberty's Kids, Square one Television and the like), it's more like on the Cailou & Barney level. So yeah, my review. Thanks for taking a peek at it and have a good day.

Liberty's Kids

This show is great and it better have a movie!
I hope Sony (or anyone) makes a LK movie because that could be great.

Love this show. Felt like Dic Kids Network stopped airing this on here because of Sabrina's Secret Life. They should've kept this show. It ended too early.

And they better make this a movie. I'm gonna get them to, cause I'm gonna bring back Dic and they're gonna help me make a movie.

They probably won't, though, with the majority of people forgetting this series. It's one of those "come and go" shows. If they get put into the "show hole" then I'm gonna die of this.

This was way better than a lot of Dic shows (considerably way better than The Littles) that aired. Also I'm gonna reboot this show. It deserves to be resurrected.

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