
IMDb member since July 2016
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Some interesting reviews that gave 10 stars.
Ok here is the deal,you people are giving 10 stars to counter people that are giving 1 star,while you yourself don't believe this show deserves more than 3 or 4 stars as some of you even wrote that in your review,which makes you same as what you think of them, closedminded people that will do something just to spite the others.But let me tell you something,you can't really do it,as there is nothing that will turn bad movie/tv show into good,same thing happened with Captain Marvel,it may have 78% from critics at a moment but audience is what truly matters here 53% .I just wonder what will happen sooner Batwoman becoming good tv show or CW realising they have just thrown huge amount of money into fire.

Reviews will not tell true picture if show is good or not,but viewers number per episode will.

Btw to those that said that people can't handle strong female lead so they are hating,Most people loved Wonder Woman,Alita,Ripley... So its not about hating strong female characters,they are just not gonna accept badly written show,about badly written character,just because someone tells them to do that. Movie and tv show creators need to realise that what people want to see are well written characters that are female,and not strong female characters,and if you can't see the difference between two then you are part of problem as well.

Alita: Battle Angel

a movie that doesn't let you lose focus
I wonder when was the last time before this movie,that i watched something with my complete attention,not having a single chance for eyes to wonder around or think when is this gonna end,but instead hope that it will never end. Visuals are amaizing as was expected,but what surprised me was the story and its proggresion,it was fast paced but not in a way that makes it seem rushed,instead it feels just right. This movie is something you should go and see in theater to really experiance it.

Kimi no na wa.

Must watch
I started watching this movie with high expectations,but somehow this movie managed to be exceed them.Movie didn't just look amazing,which is expected from Makoto Shinkai,but story is amazing as well,it manages to keep attention of viewer from start to finish,and as movie progress it just gets better and better.I think that everyone that loves movies should watch this.Even if someone doesn't like animated movies they should give this movie a try.

Also i love how some little things that at first seem meaningless at the end of movie get amazing meaning. Personally i think this is best work that Makoto Shinkai made by far,its above all of his previous works,and doesn't have flaws that some of his other works had.

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