
IMDb member since August 2005
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    18 years


The Real Housewives of Atlanta

Oh Big Papa! I am looking forward to this train wreck!
Just when you think housewives cannot get any more shallow or silly, here comes a cast of drag queens and fame seeking country queens. All are "new" money of course. Which means that overspending will be visible throughout the season. And intentional camera hogging will be of the utmost importance. Who is going to be the villain this season? NeNe of course. Am I the only one who thinks this woman has a need for camera time. Are Kim and NeNe really friends? After all, Kim does call her a drag queen in the previews. But I have to be honest with you, I am loving me some Kim and NeNe. The Gay community is going to love you both. By the way Kim, please do something with that hair, those extensions look awful. Get Big Papa to buy you some! I am sure he will. If all of that is your real hair, then we got a problem.

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