
IMDb member since August 2016
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    IMDb Member
    7 years


Last Days Here

Really good if you love music
Bobby is so much like me... he and Phil Anselmno are talking on this... Phil says it's Never too late. Just inspired me.


Well done
Great if you liike shows like the first 48 or other true crime stories

The Leftovers

Great Art
Such an underrated piece of art. Great writing, well cast and acted too

Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot

Great cast
Fantastic and real. I'm in recovery and stumbled on this by accident. Very well done

Welcome to Marwen

Very underrated
Well acted. Fresh take on this topic also. I love Stev Carrell this was a different film

The Fourth Kind

Always Way underrated
This movie terrified me. The way they used " actual footage" was very clever and well executed. I thought it worked well, a slow build up to a huge ending


Another HBO series headed for success
Solid acting so far. A lot of moving parts in the background

Peaky Blinders

If I could rate this higher I would
I love well done TV and movies. I like this from season 1 very strong writing. I also like how each season finale and following first episode are EPIC, usually a showdown between Tommy and the Blinders and the season main villain. If you like Sopranos and Boardwalk Empire you'll be happy you got into this

Big Little Lies

HBO has set high expectations and.....
Look at the cast and people involved. HBO has Game of thrones, The Wire, Sopranos, etc. They set an extremely high expectation and this delivers. The night of was the last short series I loved like this. Its a short Mystery, that has a twist or two built in. Dark, well written and well acted. Very very good

Requiem for a Dream

Must see, extremely real and graphic though
The most realistic portrayal of drug addiction to ever hit the screen. Hoping for a fairy tale ending, not at all for ANY of the addicts in this film. Not a movie for people in recovery to watch early on. I always bought this on DVD or had in in my favorites, etc. Jennifer Connely and Jared Leto look and act like complete junkies. Meanwhile his Mom is strung out on diet pills and downers. She also is addicted to him and her denial of this is very well written. He sells her TV daily for drugs to the point that it's chained to a radiator. Ellen's character is always reminding him..Its not for you its for the

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