
IMDb member since August 2016
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Death Note

not the anime but a decent movie in itself.
I understand the hate that this movie is getting and I somewhat agree with it. But I gave it a chance and I kinda liked it. I really like the anime and the concept. The movie is not a good live action adaption, but it is a good movie if you count it by itself. If you haven't seen it yet, give it a chance, If you ask me, and mostly everybody else, I say that the anime is so much better. But I did enjoyed this movie and some people might too.


TV-Y7 Rick and Morty
This show is basically a Rick and Morty for a younger audience. Yes, I know that this show deals with a lot of time travel and Rick and Morty does not really touch on that subject. With that being said, this show really likes the word "science". And that's what I am talking about, this show is really fun and the two main characters go on crazy and funny adventures. Bill Nye even made an appearance on the show. I honestly really like it and if it is on, I would stay around to watch it.

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