
IMDb member since August 2005
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Tom Hanks: The Nomad

Reminder of His Failed Turn
Watching this horribly piece together documentary was truly a refresher. It reminds everyone of what a waste and what a turn Tom Hanks career has taken. Not just his career but his life in general. From his "humble beginning' it was clear his talent and wit were plentiful and impressive. His early works and his prime rolls were legendary. He truly was lining up as this generation's Jimmy Stewart. So, instead of taking that goodwill and fostering it he instead decides to shift into ultra liberal mode and expose himself as a divisive elitist. Siding against religion and common sense along the way. Something Jimmy Stewart or any of the old Hollywood guard would be disgusted by. He has tainted his legacy beyond repair and this haphazard poorly constructed documentary touches upon it.

The Flash

Little Good Mostly AWFUL
The few who are praising this movie must really be overly loyal fanboys or easily impressed limited thinkers. This movie is simply not very good. The factors that hurt it the most are the extremely poor computer generated images (CGI) and downright awful special effects as well as a genuinely unlikable lead character. We all know about Ezra Miller's offset insanity and criminal behavior but in front of the camera his Barry Allen is as agitating and annoying as any character in recent memory. Surprisingly, the Supergirl character wasn't bad. What was good was Keaton's Batman and unfortunately he wasn't suited up very long in the film itself. Overall, this is not worth any sane person's time or money.


Great Throwback Thriller
Now this is how you make an action thriller and a genuinely entertaining movie. This film is well structured and the cast is absolutely perfect. Mike Colter proves he's more than just Luke Cage. Gerard Butler is perfect in the lead and shows he has acting chops that range far beyond shear muscle. Even the sporting cast delivered the emotion necessary to help flesh out and carry this film. It's not the most complex story and it didn't have to be. It knew what it wanted to be and delivered. The viewer is truly invested after great supposition and a well constructed first act. Tension is high and unlike other movies of this nature it kept things grounded fierce and believable. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this movie and it is actually one of the better efforts of the entire year.


Exceptional In Every Way!
My reaction? I was floored by this movie. I love this movie. In fact, I did not think that a film called nefarious dealing with a prison inmate's claiming to be possessed by a demon would be one of my favorite films to come out this year. Yet, that's what has happened. It's not a perfect film but it's close. It's well written and the performances are literally award worth (back when awards were based on actual merit) and the direction is next level. It makes me look forward to any other future projects. Theologically and emotionally it hits all the right notes and it honestly makes you think. It touches on the culture war and why you can't ignore the chaos or the false narratives put out by mainstream enthusiasts. I'm blown away by this film and you have to see it if you love intelligent thrillers.


Just Awful... Instant Razzie Contender
This movie really is as bad as everyone is saying and honestly has to be a contender right now for worst movie of the year. I'd have to say they found the perfect sweet spot between poor writing, lame performances and incredibly bad plot. Chris Evans was terrible. I'll bet anything his agent is pushing him to return to Marvel at in hand begging for some sort of paycheck. Given his recent work I honestly don't think Evans is hirable in any other role at this point. The chemistry he had with the lead was abysmal or should I say extreme lack of chemistry.. if this was released in theaters we could all laugh at the lack of box office instead those of us had experiences at home are sorry we wasted our time.

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Soulless Waste
Marvel really has fallen and it can't get up. This is the third legacy character that they've absolutely wasted. In fact, for Doctor Strange, Thor and Ant-Man they not only wasted great established characters but superb casts. Add that they made Kang, the main villain out to be a chump and it appears Marvel has no plan moving forward. Not Kiang the conqueror but Kang the chump.

This movie adds to the malaise of poorly written disappointments that is permeated the MCU since Endgame. With one of the worst third acts of any movie in recent history. MODOK use and "dick" turn could be the dumbest thing I've ever seen and that's not even a spoiler. He also ended the movie as if they ran out of budget. What an absolute waste.

On the Line

Bad Fake Twilight Zone
Yeah, there's no way to talk about this movie without giving away big spoilers because this movie is one giant spoiler once you get to the third act or should I say the conclusion. So... SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS.

Overall, I didn't enjoy the movie even when it was pretending to be an actual thriller. You kept shouting at the screen "why don't they just do this and that" and so on. It was frustrating. Yet, not half as frustrating as the actual prank ending or should I say pranks. I know the movie is trying to make some sort of social media commentary but spending almost 2 hours frustrated and then vastly disappointed is not my idea of entertainment. Everything being fake is the definition of unrewarding. I miss entertaining and intelligent cinema and I really was expecting more from Mel Gibson.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

The Absolute Worst
This isn't just one of the worst superhero efforts to ever air but honestly it's one of the worst TV series ever created. It is so badly written and so asinine that it defies description. It's not fun or funny but it pretends to be so. The writing in this abysmal series is so bad that it can't be proven that it was written by an actual adult. Everything plays out so juvenile that is an insult to the source material. Worse, it takes an established character like Daredevil and injects him into the stupidity. That absolutely taints the character after three wonderful Netflix seasons. THAT could be the worst crime of all. Do yourself a favor and avoid this crap like the plague.

Black Adam

Cartoonish and Dumb
How can any sane person praise this steaming pile of garbage? Everything plays out like a live-action cartoon and not in a good way. There are no consequences whatsoever save for the cartoonish deaths of the bad guys. The Rock's Black Adam from the minute he is released from his prison all the way through just casually murders every regular human being that he confronts. All the while Black Adam is so overpowered that he was never in danger. The lame attempts at humor (his catch phrase, etc.) only add to the shallow stupidity. The supporting cast is even more shallow with the Justice Society being wasted. Casting was laughably bad. They were more worried about check marks than hiring quality and that should surprise no one. Everything has all the depth of a mud puddle. Honestly I'm glad this movie lost money and we will never have to visit these characters ever again.


No personality at all.
It's hamstrung by poor characterization and weak dialogue to say the least. Has a main character and an entire cast that doesn't break away from awful modern tendencies to write shallow one dimensional tropes as characters.

The biggest crime this movie delivers or should I say fails to deliver is any personality whatsoever for the main character. She is a grim 100 lb female and that is the depth of her characterization. Such a waste and it's really insane that anybody is praising this movie. Honestly.

Thor: Love and Thunder

Idiotic, Shallow and Disappointing!
Honestly, most actual fans will find this film to be a frustrating disappointment if they are being honest with themselves. It's completely shallow and as badly written as a comic book movie can get. Thor is nothing but a mindless buffoon and for a character of his consequence that is inexcusable. Jane Foster is handled well enough but is also shallow as her story arc is undercut by joke after joke after joke. You can say the same thing about the entire movie itself. It's like the director was required to put a joke a minute into the movie no matter the situation. What results is a shallow mockery that is a notch above Batman and Robin but certainly a low point in the Marvel cinematic universe.


Just Awful
I agree with Uncle Ethan. This movie is the worst. There is a special place in hell for Tom Hanks for many reasons but this movie should end his career. Not since John Legeazamo's 1997 box office flops Spawn has a fat suit then used to create such nausea in an audience. Tom Hanks humiliated his family with this mess. I really hope a dog pees on him tonight. I'm angry about it. Tom Hanks and his once great career should be over because of baz learnments Elvis.

The Contractor

Underrated Gem
Did the people leaving negative reviews actually watch this movie or is something else going on here? This was a well written provocative thriller. Chris Pine delivered a great performance and his character actually has depth. He certainly is no boy scout hero but his actions were intriguing and understandable. This movie is grim and dark but definitely worth watching.

Safety Last!

Wonderful In Every Way
When I first double the cross this movie flipping channels I thought it was a modern remake of a silent film. The mannerisms were normal speed and the pictures were Crystal clear. Whoever restructured this presentation deserves kudos. It felt like I was back in 1923 watching this for the first time. What resulted is a thoroughly enjoyable entertaining film. Honestly, this is better than most movies produced nowadays with 100 million dollar budgets and CGI lunacy.

Africa Screams

Irreverent humor you got to love it
I love the fact that this movie must offend modern day snowflakes if they would bother to watch it. I love irreverent humor that goes from a scene where they genuinely abused lions to what might be deemed as racially charged. I's quite appropriate and often funny.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

AWFUL Train Wreck
After multiple episodes it's safe to say this series is an absolute train wreck. I couldn't imagine worse writing if it was intentional. How do you screw up Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader and princess Leia this badly? And yes, the new characterr Reva is atrocious. Has all the depth of a mud puddle. No sane person would praise this trash. There has to be an agenda at play if anybody is saying anything positive about this High School level production.

The Northman

Overhyped Morbid Trash
Why is any sane human being praising this steaming pile of excrement? It is over 2 hours of an ugly uninspiring dumpster fire. It depicts a point in history that is best buried and forgotten. Ugly savages and heathens being ugly and violent to one another. It tries to be Shakespearean but ends up being on the level of a bad video game. There's nothing artistic or meaningful to this hideous mud puddle equivalent. Don't bother with this waste of film.

Moon Knight

Sense or Nonsense? NONSENSE
A line from this series is where Ethan Hawke's villain asks, "sense or nonsense?" The obvious answer is complete nonsense. Despite the great performances this entire six episode run was preposterous gobbledygook. I honestly thought I was watching a bad CW DC TV show. The MCU is honestly swirling the toilet. The writing on display couldn't be worse. Worse then a shallow video game level plot is the fact that there is nearly no action in this series. I do believe we saw actual Moon Knight in costume for about 14 minutes total. Add ridiculous character motivations and over the top science fiction blasphemous nonsense and I'm sorry I watched this thing all the way through.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Really Bad
I usually love Marvel but this movie was the absolute worst. They took established characters and ruined them. Every single character in this movie was shallow and poorly written. There was not one character Arc on display for the entire run time. Unbelievable. Not only did they waste the Illuminati but they retroactively made things worse. This is a CGI fest with no brains and no soul.

Thor: The Dark World

Pure Enjoyment!
Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. This sequel is one such moment. I do need to see it again. In terms of pure enjoy-ability, I put it top 3 of all sequels that I have enjoyed.

What I really liked...

-Every single character gets a moment to shine and every single actor cast in these parts are perfect.

-The comedy is perfect. It's such a fine balance overall and everything works because it's very subtle and fits in with certain circumstances.

-Some very tender emotional scenes. I won't spoil anything with specifics.

-Some superb action and what could very well be award winning special effects.

-All characters interactions are great and handled very well. This is a fantasy story that really cares about character first and it shows all the way through. Even Natalie Portman's Jane feel more fleshed out than she did in the original film.

-The set pieces and other realms talked about in the first are seen here and are beautiful and well done. Asgard was even better believe it or not.

-The mid-credit and end credit scenes, both cool. Make sure you stay for both.

Marvel hit a pure home run with this endeavor. This film works because of the great cast and the fact that they took this subject matter seriously but remember to have fun. Chris Hemsworth was again perfect. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.

The Dark Knight Rises

A Tedious, Poorly Paced and Poorly Written Movie. HUGE Disappointment Here.
Interesting story and a valiant attempt to close the trilogy big but TDKR ultimately has to be considered a huge failure. It won't fail at the box office but it fails on screen. I'm shocked that a Chris Nolan film delivers poor character development. Bad or underwhelming action? Sure, we kind of expect that from Nolan at this point but to get a poorly told and BLOATED story is shocking. Who is responsible for delivering a tedious and poorly written movie? Did Nolan write this himself and was he that uninspired when he did so??? It seems to me like he felt he had to follow TDK because of the buzz and was self conscious and clumsy about doing so. That really does show up on the screen. It's like he had an idea but had to be so large as to top TDK that he lost his way. The meandering yet overcrowded story didn't deliver what it was supposed to at all. Did we really learn about any character or come to care for anyone at all beyond what we already did? This movie tries to cash in on its predecessor's coat tails but really can't stand on its own. I love this cast and actually felt bad for them DURING its running time. It's bad when a movie takes you completely out of the film and makes you pity the cast. It also lacked pacing, it wandered, it repeated, and it just failed to build any real momentum. Average action sequences seem so out of place this late in the summer. Bigger and better films had already raised the bar and TDK just couldn't give audiences anything as good in terms of action despite throwing millions of dollars at the screen and fancy new jets and vehicles at us. All that bad action may look good on the TV spots and may eat up screen time but it doesn't add anything to the movie and felt as shallow as a dull video game.

Following TDK with this simply lowers everything we've seen before. This is almost exactly like following Godfather 2 with Godfather 3's mess of a movie. It's such a shame.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon

We've Hit Rock Bottom
Just think, some people thought they were disappointed by Transformers 2. If that's the case, then wait until they get a load of this thing. Dark Moon makes TF2 look like Casablanca by comparison.

Dark Moon offers nothing new in any way, shape or form. It's a convoluted mess that's caught in no man's land. It actually takes itself too seriously yet offers ridiculous action (ridiculous as in dumb, not as in wild or fun) and even more ridiculous characters. It wants to be taken seriously but functions in bizarre surroundings with a foolish plot. Movies like Thor and X-Men worked this year because they evolved characters, told a smart story and grounded the concept but still delivered the action. This movie tries to take a similar approach but it simply can't stand on its own as a film. Does silly, wild but dumb appeal to even the youngest crowds? Maybe it does but the rest of us want way more in our summer movies.

Speed Racer

Horrible In Every Way
If you never made it past 5th grade you will love this movie. If you have severe ADD or a retardation of some sort you may enjoy this big screen color fart. Anyone else would be wise to take a pass. I can't believe a kid's movie has finally made Sharkboy and Lavagirl look good by comparison. Normal kids aren't this dumb, Hollywood but apparently easily entertained morons can be found at any age.

Speed Racer pretends to be live action anime art but ultimately there was no thought put into the effects and there certainly was no thought put in to the writing. The action scenes are weak simply because they scream cartoon. The entire movie lacks real energy and especially lacks heart. Not only that, but there was zero chemistry between the stars and seem to intentionally deliver no personality or charisma. I didn't exactly expect character development but I did expect to care about something in the film. The closest they come is a mind numbing flashback between Speed and his father (John Goodman) recalling a family tragedy but it is poorly handled. (John Goodman beating up a few bad guys was the only bonus for me) This movie does have some wild cartoony effects that quickly became boring as their setup and overuse flowed for far too long.

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