
IMDb member since August 2016
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    7 years



If your looking for one of the worst movies ever made...
This is a fun movie I guess to admire how bad it is. Nearly everything is completely wrong about it. The editing was absolutely terrible. The acting was horrible. The writing was done by a fifth grader. First movie to ever get 1/10 from me, and the first movie I ever saw in theaters and I was on my phone the whole time. Im glad David Harbour tried, but in the end the movie was a total mess.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

So painful to watch, it made my cat die.
I still stand by the saying: "Every Time the Diary of a Wimpy Kid trilogy is complemented, a kitten dies slowly and painfully." Every time Greg is on screen I want to stab myself. Greg's character is the worst and most unbearable person I've ever had to watch on screen. So unbearable in fact that he completely ruins the movie. Not to say the other aspects of the film weren't complete garbage already, but having Greg in the mix as the main character destroys more what is already ash. Awful. The worst movie trilogy I've ever had to sit through. Gladly, it is now over, and from the looks of it forgotten by many.

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