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Zack Snyder's Justice League

Simply put it's much better than the other version
This version of JL was able to fix so many of the glaring holes in the " original version". Way better effects, better back stories containing more development of characters and even though it is a 4hr movie it's broken into chapters if you need to take a break and is a perfect movie for HBO Max so you can pause it if necessary. The Villains were better...STOP! The whole thing is just way better than that other crap they threw out a few years ago, if you like DC than just watch the film and enjoy it, THE END!

Outside the Wire

Horrible character development
This movie has flaws all over the place. First, it's just another movie where many foreign people die with no remorse but as soon as any Americans are going to die people start growing a conscience. Another problem is with the acting from Mackie's counterpart he's scared and freaking out one minute the next he's acting like a big shot, bad acting with bad editing is never good. Mackie's action scenes were good but that's about it.

Dark Matter: Nowhere to Go
Episode 13, Season 3

After my second time through
I just had to write a review for this show of a 10. SyFy network exes suck!

The Expanse: Hard Vacuum
Episode 8, Season 5

Naomi alone
This episode focuses on Naomi's struggles to reach out to Holden ( or anyone) so they don't dock with the ship and blow her and themselves up. Great acting by Tipper and Gee, as we see Drummer grieving. I only wish they had more focus on the other characters and is why it's a 9 and not a 10. The way Amazon is rolling out the season has its plus and minuses, on one hand I wish I could see all the episodes together so I can fully immerse myself in the story yet they did this with Vikings and I watched every episode immediately which was great for that day but now leaves me wanting more. I guess you can't have it al.

Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Blind Bandit
Episode 6, Season 2

The introduction of Toph!
I just had to say something about this episode because not only is it great but we meet the next member of Team Avatar, Toph! She is a great character who plays off our bunch so well and is integral in helping them get where they need to go.

The Expanse: Gaugamela
Episode 4, Season 5

Marco's plan starting to come in form!
Amazing episode for an already amazing show. Each main character had their place in the episode but Holden's and Naomi's were extremely powerful. Every thing about this episode was fantastic from the acting to the special effects, which are getting better every year. Last season set up Marco Inaros' agenda against the Inner planets Earth and Mars and now we see it in full scale. Holden unsuccessfully tries to stop the protomolecule from leaving the station while the stealth rocks hit Earth and Marco declares the belt is taking over power of the ring gates. This episode set up the rest of the season to action packed and tense. This is a great show and I'm so glad Amazon picked it up!

Normal People

Beautiful storytelling with great music and cinematography
This is just a wonderful story of two people and their journies through life without the bs pretense that a lot of these stories have. The characters aren't perfect but they're very real.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Great show and terrific addition to Marvel
If your a fan of Marvel then this show is for you, even if your not really. It has everything you could want in a sci-fi show with each season bringing something different to the table. As great as all the Marvel movies are ( and they are great) this show really gets to expand on things that a two hour movie cannot. The relationship between Fitz and Simmons is just an example of how with more time 13 1 hr episodes you can tell a more developed story and never does it feel like it's just filler to take up an episode. They have so many things they can do because of the world they live in. Give it a shot you won't be disappointed!

Downton Abbey: A Journey to the Highlands
Episode 9, Season 3

The first hour plus was great but ruined in 30 seconds
I just started binge watching this show during the COVID outbreak of 2020 and I like a lot of people and settings on the show but they keep creating one disaster after another when there are other ways to create drama. I'm sorely disappointed in this episode because they killed off Sybil right after childbirth and now they kill off Matthew right after childbirth. They could of at least have him a few years with their baby before creating something to take him out of the picture. It just seems like lazy writing for an otherwise well written show. I'm writing this review directly after the end of season 3 so I don't know what's in store yet but so far they've had an innocent man go to prison and 2 parents die within hours of the child's birth. They could create antagonist from others in the town instead of just random deaths by chance. Now we will have to single parents who are going to be depressed for at least over a season and losing Matthew who was a key character even more than Sybil just makes it hard to watch. It reminds me of The Walking Dead once they got rid of the main characters, the show just isn't the same.


Great show that people never saw
The show is about MMA fighters and their rises and falls in the world of fighting. But it's really about family, dealing with the harshness and realities of life and the mental and emotional struggle we all deal with. This show really had everything from action, sex, humor and drama. Not to knock Directv or Audience Network but I don't think many people really got to see this show when it came out. I only found it on Netflix recently and decided to give it a chance, which I'm glad I did. Also. I want to mention how great the soundtrack was for each episode and how it really could get you into the emotional headspace of the characters without any dialogue. Definitely worth watching.


Hate to say it but I agree with the low reviews
There were many components to make this a great show but the pacing was terrible, the characters not using their powers to help them ( i.e. common sense) and the first 5 episodes being very boring. Also, I think the lead actress was mis-cast. I don't want to say she's a bad actress, just not right for this part. It gets a little better later on but still not a cohesive story told well. If they think they'll get 10 seasons to figure out their groove it's never gonna happen. I love Gustaf Skarsgard mainly due to his role as Floki on Vikings but it seems the writing wasn't good enough to use his talents properly. Spoiler here: one of the last scenes when Nimue has the sword " Excalibur" and right after killing many people she lets Iris, the Nun, "lol" take her down with a couple arrows is ridiculous. Don't know what else to say except that it was a waste of a great premise. They're gonna have to do a much better job in Season 2 if they even get one if they want to continue this series.


10 for Season 1, 5 for Season 2.
Season 1 was great with superb acting, drama and action. Season 2 was very predictable and could've been made in half the episodes. I don't know if it was Joel Kinnaman not being there but something was missing. In Season 1 you didn't know who to trust and what would happen next but Season 2 you could see everything coming a mile away.

The Man in the High Castle: Mauvaise Foi
Episode 5, Season 4

Great look back on what should've beeen
In this episode you see John Smith go to the alternate Earth where America won. In the beginning of the episode he decides to just play along with the Nazis because it was the safer way and that was the decision that changed everything for him. Through out the series you see him rise in the Nazi party but his family fall apart. In the alt-Earth he gets to witness his son still alive except this time filled with American pride instead of being a Nazi along with seeing his best friend there to watch football instead of sending him off to die in the earth he came from. I'm about to watch the next episode but I can only imagine that this has a profound impact on him. It shows how the decisions you make at the time may feel small but lead up to you sending your best friend to die and to have your son live a generally happy life in a world where he wasn't viewed as a " useless eater" as they put it in his earth. Not to mention how much more his wife was in love with him and much more amorous instead of hating him which is just as important as everything else I just stated.

The Man in the High Castle

Premise is great but hard to root for main protagonists
The idea that the Nazis won the war and what that would look like is very compelling however the female lead is very hard to like. She seems fine living under Japanese rule in the beginning and then helps her Nazi friend Joe. When she defects to the German side as a supposed spy she protects the Nazis more than the resistance, going as far as shooting her dads best friend in the back. She's always making these moral decisions like you can't kill Nazi teens or women but Resistance men are fine to kill. I'm at the end of the 2nd season but there would be no way to take back our lives if people acted like this. I also don't feel her acting is all that great and could've used a better actress. She is not the only character whose actions puzzle me but not as much as her.

Vagrant Queen

Waste of time, garbage
What a waste. The SYFY channel has made some great programming in the past but they always cancel them to soon. Well, this one can go ahead and get cancelled now so they can try again. It's not funny, exciting, well written, etc. The plot has holes in it but the biggest problem is it just sucks. Skip it and save your time, I unfortunately didn't and have watched 7 bad episodes. I wrote this review to warn others, please listen.

The Hollow

Great Sci-Fi animated show
This show is great because of just how unique it is. The plot is these teens are players in a game but nothing makes sense and every episode is another crazy ( in a good way) there. Definitely worth watching.

The Strain

I like the show but I HATE that kid!!!!
Why do writers continually make the kids the most important people when they are dumb as rocks and always get people killed. I hate to say it but they would all be the first to go (if it was real) because they would get attitudes and run away or just plain wander off and be dead before the end of the day. At the end of season 2 they killed Nora off simply because that kid couldn't shut his mouth and then HUGGED his mother!!!! I will say my favorite show is The Walking Dead and I didn't like around Carl at times but he had the nerve to kill his mother when it had to be done instead of getting someone else killed. The show has a good premise and is fun to watch but the writers better be careful. You have to care about the characters or people just won't care. The reason TWD is my favorite show is because of Rick, Darryl, Glen, Maggie, etc. not the zombies.

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