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The Crown: Decommissioned
Episode 10, Season 5

Mediocre season with a Disappointing finale
The finale and the entire season for that matter was anti climactic

This season was not keeping up with the pace and character theme of previous seasons especially when portraying Charles, Dominic west (though is a great actor ) doesn't look at all like the real Charles & his approach to the role was not keeping up with theme and amazing performances of O'Conner - maybe with recent events they had to make adjustments to improve Charles image , portraying him in a more sympathetic way - but those last minute changes made the show inconsistent and un-engaging at times

For the first time while watching the crown , I found myself bored and wondering where is this going and what's the point of these scenes , they felt very scattered

An example is mou mou episode , although one of the best episodes of the season with an amazing performance ( i found the Fayed's storyline very interesting ) it just didn't add up to the rest of the season and I kept waiting for things to add up but the show ended without connecting the dots

I don't know if they chose to skip portraying Diana's accident all together or if they have postponeded to the next season , but I think everyone was waiting for the event that shocked the world ! While the show ended at very neutral point

Elizabeth performance was award winning ! She kept up with Emma's portrayal of Diana, while developing her own visio. You can see , hear and feel Diana in every scene

This season in particular had so much potential but it came up Mediocre with disappointing finale.

When They See Us: Part One
Episode 1, Season 1

One of the most difficult episodes to watch in the history of Tv
Brilliant pilot an emotional roller coaster ,I kept pausing the episode because I got so frustrated and emotional that I couldn't bear to continue .

The fact that this actually happened to those little kids and many others that we don't know about is just heartbreaking , the intermediation & emotional manipulation is beyond my understanding ! Feeding them the affidavits and the fact that they were targeted for being minors of families with low income and poor understanding of the low is just discussing

The direction of this episode was on point, the casting and the way the scenes were set was brilliant

Although I'm a binge watcher I Needed a break before watching the next episode because it was so overwhelming what happened to those poor kids !

Monster: Cassandra
Episode 7, Season 1

Glenda Cleveland ( jeffery danger's neighbor ) was a warrior, the amount of effort and time she spent trying to get the police attention , to get dahmer caught or at least investigated is amazing .This episode isn't much about race as it's of the authorities failure , it shows how this case was the neglected & if someone just listened to Glenda once things could have ended sooner and innocent lives would have been saved.

I can't even imagine the horrors she overheard & the trauma experienced . And the sandwich thing !!

Shoutout to her and I hope she managed to get over this traumatizing experience .

Friends: The One with Chandler in a Box
Episode 8, Season 4

Joey has the purest heart
One of the best episodes of friends It's fun , easy to get into and entertaining I think all the episodes that has Joey as the center of the plot are the best You gotta love Joey !

Lost: Happily Ever After
Episode 11, Season 6

Desmond and penny
Desmond and penny's relationship is probably one of the sweetest and most romantic love stories made on tv , with the touch of lost of coarse ,

This is one of the best episodes in season 6, Henry Ian cusick is an amazing actor , makes an impact with every appearance Can't wait to see what other mysteries will unfold during the finale.

Maktoub Aliya

Highly recommend, super Fun to watch
Super fun and easy to watch The idea of the show is somehow new to Arabic/ Egyptian TV , looking forward to more shows like this Akram Husni is an amazing actor ,did a great job lifting the show . The casting was perfect and had beautiful chemistry

Light TV with a deep meaningful message.

Senior Year

Having second hand embarrassment throughout the whole movie
Too cheesy , unrealistic, too predictable and not in a good way I had second hand embarrassment throughout the whole movie

What's up with rebel Wilson facial expressions , it's the same with every movie , overacting the scenes and using vulgar expressions in every single scene ! I'm sorry it's just too much

Really wanted to like it but I couldn't.

Big Little Lies

First season was brilliant , second one was good
Season one was 10/10 Easily one of the best shows HBO has ever made , the cast had perfect synergy, amazing performance by Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon as expected, complex characters , captivating storyline and fulfilling finale

Season two 8/10 Focusing more on the dramatic human part of the characters, a new perspective and to be honest could have done without it.


The Ozark : a new perspective
This show has a different perspective and it's focus was the transformation of the sweet ordinary family with their relatively " ordinary " issues to this psycho , money & power hungry couple who would not stop at anything

This was done brilliantly, you can see it building up slowly, their crimes getting more and more vile , how their empathy was fading for others to the point they are not affected by death - All in the name of family

Jason Bateman and Laura linnet acting was superb getting better and more complex with each season . Transforming the innocent couple that every one was routing for to this vicious family ,you can't even like or have any sympathy for .

Guilia garner on the other hand was a shining star , what a brilliant performance and character development

I think the point of the show was life isn't fair and people on the top are not always clean or perfect, the Byrds were getting away with things , getting a head while others surrounding them were being used , getting hurt and even killed

they had the well , money, power and no conscious to stop them.

An amazing series that slowly builds up the story , new favorite !

Ozark: A Hard Way to Go
Episode 14, Season 4

Perfect finale build up even if you don't like it
The focus of the series was the transformation of the sweet ordinary family with their relatively " ordinary " issues to this psycho , money & power hungry couple who would stop at anything even at the death of a family member - this is even worse with the proud look on their face at the last scene when Jonah holds the shotgun

This was done brilliantly, you can see it building up slowly, their crimes getting more and more vile , and how their empathy was fading for others to the point they are not affected by death even Ruth's death ! All in the name of family

About Ruth : I know a lot of people were routing for her myself included , but it was clear that she was being used since season one ! She was spiraling since wayatt died & her end began with killing Javier .

I think the finale shows that life isn't fair , the byrds were getting ahead , getting away while others surrounding them were getting hurt , killed and used . And that sometime what people on the top are like !

Nine Perfect Strangers

The show had so much potential with this amazing cast , it could have been a darker more mysterious thriller/ drama . Instead it was boring , lacking complexity with mediocre activity and anticlimactic finale

They should have made it a 2 hrs movie instead of stretching it out to 8 episodes miniseries that you can't fit it in a genre !

As much as I love the cast , I was disappointed leaving the show unsatisfied.

Downton Abbey: Episode #5.7
Episode 7, Season 5

Poor Edith can't have a happy moment
This show gets better with every episode and every issue discussed : classism , racism , homophobia , Antisemitism and misogyny

Regarding the plot , I have grown to hate Marry so much they built her to be so snobby , self centered and lacking any empathy for others especially Edith ( who seems harmless and always living in marry's shadows)

Oh pooor Edith , I don't understand why the writers are so unfair to her . She can't seem to catch a break , spiraling from one tragedy to the next , watching her story is so heartbreaking .I hope she has a fair and happy ending.

Inventing Anna

Watch it with no expectations, you might enjoy it
I binged watched the show in 2 days , i started watching it with no expectation and little to no information about Anna Delvey and I actually enjoyed it !

I agree with the some of the reviewers about Anna chlumskey performance , she was either annoying or the writers created her character that way !

The pilot was sooo boring and slow but once Ann's story actually begins ( beginning in episode 2 ) the show picks up and gets more interesting

I liked Julia garner performance ( or maybe I'm biased since I'm a huge fan ) but I believe that Todd her lawyer and Neff her friend were the actual stars of the show

All in all I liked it , if you can pass the pilot episode you might enjoy it.

Finding Ola

This what light tv should be
An amazing show about women's empowerment, and the challenges divorced women face in our society , dealt with light/dark humor , the cast had perfect synergy & hind sabri was great as expected !

Looking forward for next seasons .

Ashab wala Aaz

Worth the watch
Mona Zaki's performance was outstanding as usual , as well as khabbas his silent moments spoke so much ! Overall it could've been better , the alcoholism and homosexuality could have been handled better with much sophistication and depth , but it was a nice remake and good start for Netflix Arabic movies.

Legacies: Kai Parker Screwed Us
Episode 12, Season 2

Best episode of the show so far
Kai is back and This the best thing that happened to the show

Finally Tvd & TO vibe is back ! You're think a show about witches , vampires , werewolves and supernaturals would show them actually being themselves and show some complex characters following great characters like Elijah, Damon and clause , but nooo the whole show has been about hormonal teens , their romance and the only supernatural we see is some silly spells like it's hogwarts or something.

I wish this show gets better and Hope would be more complex and tougher ( being a mikealson and all ) especially after all this trauma she has been through . And I wish they bring some of tvd & TO cast back.

The Originals

Best vampire show
Best vampire/ werewolf show ever made ! A much better and improved spin off TVD , it adresses all ages and it's story is far more interesting, the first two seasons were the best , addictive story, great script and brilliant acting The cast were amazing & had perfect synergy that you believe they are an actual family klaus is one of the most interesting, complicated and captivating characters in the history of TV , You gotta love the mikelson family and their always and forever vow The finale was rushed but still it is a great show and definitely worth the watch.

The Originals: When the Saints Go Marching In
Episode 13, Season 5

Rushed finale to a inconsistent season
The finale and the whole season for that matter was rushed , As much as I love klaus , I don't think that him sacrificing his life to save his daughter was a bad idea , and Elijah dying by his side made sense as he devoted his life to redeem klaus ,,, BUT this was poorly written and rushed to the point it didn't add up

The mikelson family were known throughout the series to be fighters and to stick by each other no matter what , how didn't they find a loop whole for 7 years to defeat the hollow , the writers didn't build this villain to be as strong to end the originals ! It felt as the writer was rushing to end this series that no effort was made to build the story . Plus there were so many characters inconsistencies through out the last season , they should have stopped at season 4 or done a better job for the last one

Nonetheless this show will always be one of my favorites.

Greek: All About Beav
Episode 4, Season 4

Gotta love beaver
One of the best episodes of the show Beaver is so adorable and pure he is one of the best characters on the show , they should have shown more of him and the children..

Greek: Take Me Out
Episode 13, Season 3

Beaver is so cute
I love beaver !

He is one of the cutest and realest characters on the show , I wish they showed more of him ,He is really adorable and pure.

Rebecca is growing which is nice too.

The Originals: What, Will, I, Have, Left
Episode 6, Season 5

this season is a mess
WTH happened to this season !

It's obvious that it is written with such little effort :/ I can't see the point in killing haylee and her death was far from convincing , first where is marcel ?! And didn't Freya and vencint find them .. couldn't they do something? And don't get me started on Elijah , he has a been a fool through out this whole season but come on to fight his brother who is trying to save his daughter to protect Roman ( who he has never met but suddenly became "family" ) It just doesn't make any sense since he knew that marcel took away his memories to protect hope. ! Disappointing.

The Vampire Diaries: Hell Is Other People
Episode 10, Season 7

Ian is a legend
One of the best episodes of the show !

Makes up for all the previous episodes , hats down for the writers and the director .

AlRawabi School for Girls

Ignore low ratings , it's actually pretty good
I was surprised by how good this mini series was , it explores many important issues like bullying, sexual harassment, use of power to bend the low , mental health and dysfunction family issues

It addressed this using a sample of Jordanian society ( expensive - girls only private schools ) so if you can't relate to the events or the lifestyle, it's probably bcz you had a different experience, but can't deny that the principle applies

The soundtrack was AMAZING ! The acting was pretty good considering how young some of these actresses are and the direction was epic

Tima shomali did a great job and it's a step to improve Jordanian TV.

Suits: I Want You to Want Me
Episode 2, Season 3

Team Louis
I feel so sorry for Louis .. he is taken for granted and so not appreciated They have to give him something!

The Vampire Diaries: I Alone
Episode 9, Season 6

Elena is so annoying
Anyone else hates Elena ?

She's so annoying and has no character of her own , why are they making her like this ! Every character in the show has their own path , traits , flows ups & downs , even Kathryn was far more interesting than her. They make her seem so shallow and impressionable.

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