
IMDb member since September 2016
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Love, Death & Robots: Bad Travelling
Episode 2, Season 3

This has to be one of the best piece of creature horror that I have seen in some time and one of the best of "Love, Death & Robots" for sure. Near perfect pacing, visuals, and music. The creature was genuinely creepy. It gave such a tense atmosphere that it hooked you the entire time. I will definitely watch this one again. This should be a full length movie.

WandaVision: We Interrupt This Program
Episode 4, Season 1

I guess I am in the minority here
But i felt this episode removed any of the mystery out of the show and spelled everything out too early in the show. Every episode since has felt kind of boring because you know exactly what is going on now.

Raised by Wolves

This has been one of the most unsettling things ive ever watched. The combo of hard scifi with some horror elements makes you feel uneasy. At the same time, the show has been very unique and thought provoking. I have never seen something quite like it. It's hard to desribe other than weird, but justifiably so. I went in with low expectations and it has become my favorite show of 2020.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Duet
Episode 19, Season 1

Great episode
I've only ever seen random episodes of DS9 and so I started watching it from the beginning all the way through. Season 1 has been a boring chore for the most part but I'm trying to force my way through.

I've heard this is one of the best episodes of the series and it did not disappoint. Harris Yulin knocked it out of the park here. This is the first episode that I actually gave a crap about any characters.

Final Space

Took me by surprise
I randomly found this show and knew little of it besides it seemed reviewed well. After the first 3 episodes, I didn't think it was all that good. No one was likeable. Gary screamed way too much. I was considering abandoning but I stuck with it. Episode 4 and 5 were pretty good. Then episode 6 came. My god. Everything fell into place and I loved the show right away. (Gary still screamed too much for a few eps, but they tone that down and made him into a likeable guy)

This isn't some gritty, epic story like every other show (it does have that, but that stuff seems like a backdrop), which I like. What this show has is a TON of heart, a big adventure feeling with a unique set of story lines, a bunch of interesting characters, and that it doesn't take itself too seriously... except when the timing is right. It has a knack for setting up characters to be cared about and then punching you in the gut for caring.

The animation is top notch, the sound effects are phenomenal, and the music is perfect throughout. I'm very happy to have found this show.


Weird, but very funny.
I have no idea what I just watched but I binged it. It is a perfect role for Chris Elliot. The show was pretty consistently funny and ridiculous all the way through.


Good concept but flawed.
This is a difficult movie to review because it is on the verge of being a classic movie. It is unique, it has an interesting plot, and has damn good special effects for its time.

It starts off with a well shot setup and it seems like it tries for some 2001 with Alien vibes. You start to see the editing and screenplay failing at this point already though. In the alien ship, there are a lot of fast cuts that pull you out of what should be an awesome scene. It remains this way and just kind of withers away throughout the rest of the movie. Kind of good, but never great.

The biggest faults this movie has are the wooden acting/screenplay (probably more faulting the screenplay than anything), the rushed and forced editing, and the lack of character development. I hate to say it but if this were reimagined, it could be a great movie. Better, less action movie directing, a better script, allow longer single shot scenes without cuts, and make me care about the characters a little.

Love, Death & Robots: Lucky 13
Episode 13, Season 1

Really good.
I found this to be one of the best episodes in the series and this would be a good setting for its own short series.

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