
IMDb member since August 2005
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Elle: A Modern Cinderella Tale

Unoriginal Movie
OK so the movie may focus around making music but it is completely unoriginal in a lot of ways it seems to a follow a similar path to that of another Cinderella story with Selena Gomez plus it copies from an actual great movie of save the last dance. You will know what I mean if you watch the movie and have seen the 2 movies I have listed.

For example the similarity to another Cinderella story is about the band sensation who would i guess be the 'ugly step sisters' even if their not humiliating Elle the main character about her obsession for the main character Ty. Also Ty assisting Elle with her music is very similar to that of drew Seeley and Selena Gomez.

Similarity to Save the Last Dance is the fact that her parents have died while trying to make it to her first audition to Berkley and because of this she stopped singing. EXACLTLY THE SAME to save the last dance!! Then she tries again with help from Ty like in save the last dance where Julia stiles auditioned again with the help of Sean Patrick Thomas.

Not to mention lines are copied from save the last dance. For example when she is talking to Ty about the death of her parents she states 'My parents died trying to make it to audition, it's because of my singing they are dead' (something along those lines not exactly!) In save the last dance the line is 'my mother died trying to make it to my audition she died while I was dancing' as well as that at the final audition in both Elle and save the last dance they both fumble their auditions initially when they start and get asked by the judges 'are you ready' and then in works the romantic character of the story saying 'she was born ready!' and they gives the main character a bit of a pep talk and then they ace their audition.

So it is VERY unoriginal

For this I give it a 3/10.

Center Stage: Turn It Up

Ehhhhh..... - Review with Spoilers
If you are the type of person who simply loves dance movies then you will probably like this movie. I am one of these people.. and i do like it. However, the movie does have its faults. For one thing, the lead characters are horrible actors... its makes me laugh in embarrassment for them they are just simply horrible in my opinion. The story line is very blah. With the ballet dancer Cooper Nielson coming back to the academy as his own company fell through, he seems pretty pointless within this movie. If anything the whole thing that brings this movie way down is the acting and partially the story line.

Unlike other people who have reviewed this movie who considered the first movie cheesy.. and this one not. I don't believe it. I believe the first movie wasn't 'cheesy' at all, and i believe unlike other people yet again that it was about the dance. The lead character in the original movie after all did have a weakness about her by not having great feet, and that was the point of that film, was breaking through those limits of the ballet world to still be AMAZING.

This movie being the 2nd within the series yet again has the same kind of focus.. as Kate parkers weakness is she doesn't have a rich daddy and thats why she didn't make it. The whole point here is to make it out on top and to prove she was worthy to be in the academy with of course a romance going on between.

Overall the original center stage and this 2nd version incomparable as the first is definitely a MILLLLLLLLLION times better. The dancers were better. This 2nd movie is just a way for the people to make more money due to the high success of the original. Its just a quick buck.

I give this movie a 5/10, that is just for the factor that it is a dance movie and its one of those bad movies you can sit back and watch every now and again if you are wanting a cheesy dance movie to watch. But other than that its not spectacular


overview of the show
OK. so like previous reviews yes this is a rip off of hannah montana... but it is with the jonas brothers and people actually know they are famous... personally i liked the ORIGINAL plot where they were like spies (kind of like james bond) and there cover was a boy band... that seemed better to me and had more of twist. anyways the comedy isn't as bad as people make it out to be... the comedy though HOWEVER! is only good or at least measures up to the word and term "good" when it is between joe and kevin jonas... specially kevin... it just seems natural.. where is nick jonas... well how do i put this in a nice way.... well he sucks... his acting in general is just forced and he brings no life to his character... i know he is meant to play off the "serious" character the one who "doesn't" smile but he is just a joke to the acting world. i will continue to watch the show however because it does and can have its moments like i said between joe and kevin...

The show will probably appeal to those under the age of like 8 or MAYBE 10.. just because it is the jonas brothers... (note: i am 19) personally i recommend you to watch it if u show any more than the slightest of interest... just to get your own thoughts on the show and construct ur own view...

i give the show a 5/10 because nick is crap and he is in it a fair bit unfortunately... lol so he brings the show down. Also Disney could of done better with the storyline... they should of stuck with the rumoured concept of undercover spies posing as a boy band which i stated earlier.

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