
IMDb member since September 2016
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The Bear

Real Housewives with better acting
If you love Real Housewives, but wish it took place in a sandwich shop and had better acting, then you will love this. Otherwise, I'm not sure who this is for or why the high ratings. Everyone is just yelling at each other and being all-around terrible people for the most part. Very little character development, and storylines are either abandoned completely or take way too long to develop to keep the viewer interested. Not sure how this is marked as a comedy either. Maybe a small laugh or two at most per episode, but it's DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA. I bumped it up a star for the realism shown on the craziness of a working kitchen, and another for the quality of acting. Otherwise, this is just a bunch of people cussing each other out for no reason.

Palm Springs

Mixed bag
Super weird and doesn't really make much sense, but the leads do a good job with the script they had to work with, and there are enough laughs to make this a decent flick.

It ends with far more questions than answers, which is strange considering this was a pretty simple story for the most part. You keep waiting for them to tie it all together and for it to make sense at some point, but it never does.

The ride is interesting and fun for the most part, and Andy Samberg is pretty great in general, so it's hard not to like this. Enjoyable enough, but could have been so much better with just a little more depth to the story.

Last Seen Alive

Gerard Butler must have owed someone a favor
I have no clue why Gerard Butler agreed to do this movie. He did try his best to carry it and make it watchable, but was unsuccessful. The writing, acting (by everyone else but his wife), and overall plot were soooooo bad that it was impossible to be salvaged by one performer.

I'm normally able to overlook a few blatantly bad decisions by characters in movies, because those poor decisions often make the story more interesting (or even allow the story to continue at all)...but in this one, the main character literally made the worst possible decision every step of the way - too many times to count.

Also, I think the writer wanted this to be a thriller with intrigue, but never gave any clues for the viewer to even make a guess at what could possibly be going on, so it's just a confusing mess until all of the sudden the entire plot is revealed and it's over.

Worst movie I've seen in awhile.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

It's unique, I'll give it that
The fact that this is like no other movie I've seen and how enjoyable Pedro Pascal was in this role makes this movie watchable. Otherwise, it's a bit of a mess. For those who aren't super fans of Nicholas Cage, I'm not sure how this is very enjoyable. It's funny, but not hilarious, and it's mostly funny because it's awkward. There's action, but not great action. And the story - yikes! Even by the film's end, it still didn't make sense. Pedro Pascal is fantastic, and there are enough laughs to keep it going, but this movie isn't great.

State of Play

Why'd they ruin a perfectly good movie?
This was a solid thriller most of the way through, I'd say a 7.5/10 up until the last 20-30 minutes. Sure, there were a few plot holes here and there, but good acting and a slow reveal kept you on the edge of your seat a bit. Then the story finally comes together and they ruin it by adding an unnecessary twist that leaves more questions than answers...and creates a thousand things that no longer make sense throughout the movie leading up to that point. This film is a great lesson how sometimes doing less is way better. Simply having twists doesn't make for a better movie.


Season 2 fell off a cliff
Season one felt new and fresh and had depth. SUPER WEIRD, but fun and lighthearted with some mystery mixed in. Season 1 = a solid 7/10.

Season two is almost unwatchable. It's heavy and depressing and just doesn't work. All of the best attributes of the show from the first season are nonexistent in season 2. Season 2 = 2.5/10.

Cedar Rapids

Poor performance by the lead ruins an otherwise good movie
Hate to say it, but Ed Helms was really bad in this. There are enough laughs and solid performances by other cast members to keep this afloat, but I cringed and groaned at Ed Helms' performance so many times that I need to take a break from watching anything he's in for awhile.

Spider-Man: No Way Home

Mostly terrible
Unless you're 12 or a huge fan of all things Marvel (regardless if it's good or not), I don't see how this was enjoyable. The plot was horrible with more holes than Swiss cheese, and there were dozens of references that make no sense to anyone that doesn't have a Master's degree in Marvel Comics. Everyone the great cast couldn't save this mess.

It felt like a good 80's cartoon mixed with a terrible 80's cheesy movie, but darker.

Obvious Child

Usually enjoy Jenny Slate, and was happy to see Jake Lacy (aka "The New Jim" from The Office) get a leading role. The movie tried to deal with the heavy topic of abortion in a light and funny way, which has obviously offended some. While that didn't bother me, and it was entertaining enough as times, it just didn't have enough to be good. It felt like the middle of a story, and they forgot to finish it. Not funny enough to stand on its own as a comedy, and definitely lacks any real depth or character development to be a solid drama. It provides a few chuckles along the way and tackles abortion in a unique way, but is otherwise forgettable.

C'mon C'mon

Not sure about all the high ratings. I can appreciate an artistic film when it's good, but this one is painfully slow and boring, and being in black and white seems to be a distraction in this movie for some reason, rather than an asset.

The Batman

A mixed bag
I appreciate that this is an actual film instead of the usual mindless fluff action movies that are so prevalent today. However, it misses the mark in too many ways to be good.

First, the good. Zoe Kravitz is a star in the making and is very easy on the eyes. Multiple solid acting performances, most notably The Penguin and The Riddler. Good cinematography and fight sequences for the most part.

The not so good: Robert Pattinson has no emotional range to speak of. It works fine as Batman, but not as Bruce Wayne. The movie is sooooooo slooooooow. I can appreciate pauses for effect, but every single one was about 5 times longer than necessary. Also, as someone who hasn't read the comic books, I was confused on multiple occasions because the viewer wasn't given enough information. That's not good - they were discussing characters from that 'world' that weren't even in the movie as if we're supposed to know exactly who they are.


Unnecessary bad language
There were a few small laughs, but the egregious and unnecessary foul language pulled me out of the show and made it unwatchable. So sad when writers feel it's necessary to have more than a hundred F bombs per episode to make a good show for some reason.

I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson

Yikes, this is unbearable
Oof, I could not have imagined it would be this bad. Very few small chuckles mixed in with loads of cringey, cringey disaster sketches. I thought maybe this would be a step up from Detroiters, which was funny, but wore thin fairly quickly...but this is a massive step backwards. It apparently lands for some people, but I can't imagine what type of person that would be.


Decent enough feel good movie
Has a low budget feel to it with mediocre acting. It's cheesier than I would have liked, and is much more geared towards kids than adults. However, the two stars do a solid enough job to carry it through. Corinne Fox is gorgeous and potentially a future star, although she's not there yet. There are also enough laughs sprinkled throughout to help lighten the mood. Good enough for a one-time viewing, but that's about it.


A solid 7.5
The drama is a bit over the top and forced at times, but good storylines and great acting make this show what it is...a solid show that is often gripping, with just enough chuckles and lighter parts to keep it from being unbearably heavy.

My Dad's Christmas Date

Misleading title, but good flick
Jeremy Piven is charming and funny as always, and his daughter in the movie does a great job, but the title and genre listing (comedy only) are a bit misleading. Nothing about the film resembles a Christmas movie in any way, and even the "date" part of the title is very loosely fitting. It is more a drama than a comedy or anything else, and can even get a bit heavy at times. However, if you can ignore the title and leave any preconceived ideas of what this movie should be, then what you're left with is a solid, enjoyable movie.

A Clüsterfünke Christmas

Pretty decent initially, but went downhill quickly
First 45 minutes: 6.5 Next 15: 4.5 Last 30: 1

So, so, so, so bad at the end, but the first half of the movie had plenty of laughs and felt fresh. Is never great, and definitely not worth watching more than once, but as long as you turn it off about halfway through, it's worth your time.

In Time

Feels like a low budget 80s film
...and that's not a compliment. I really wanted to like this, but finally gave up about halfway through. There's so much potential with the beginning premise for the film to be impactful...but it just wasn't. Too many things don't make sense, or aren't consistent, or are just dumb. If this were a low budget 80s film with no name actors I could have given them a pass and enjoyed it as a trash film, but as it is - it's a major disappointment.

Jungle Cruise

Mixed bag
The bad: Weirder and creepier than expected. Weak story and a lot of things that don't make sense. The music was really awful at times...too loud, not fitting for the moment, or started playing way too early (for ex: giving away that the scary moment was going to turn happy while still in the middle of the scary). And some of the CGI at the end was SO bad!

The good: Emily Blunt and Dwayne Johnson are charming as expected, and most of the acting is good throughout from the entire cast. There are a good amount of laughs, and plenty of adventur.

There are enough good things to make this a fun one-time watch, and although there are many similarities to Pirates of the Caribbean, this is nowhere nearly as good.

The Ugly Truth

Raunchier than expected, but enjoyable
Once you get used to this being a raunchier-than-usual Rom Com, it'll take you on a fun ride with lots of laughs. Cheesy and predictable like most Rom Coms, but worth a watch.

The Bounty Hunter

Not your typical RomCom in that it has some action and detective work as well. Nice change of pace. Mix that with the two attractive & charismatic leads and some humor, and you have a solid flick for this genre. Not one I would watch over and over, but I wouldn't be upset to see it another time or two.

The Back-up Plan

Pleasantly surprised!
Yes, it's a RomCom and therefore is also cheesy and predictable. But they really nailed the COMEDY part in this one - I was not expecting that! We laughed out loud A LOT. And that's even with them wildly underutilizing Melissa McCarthy. Didn't watch it for the first time until now, more than a decade after it was released, but I can tell you that I won't wait another decade before watching it again! As a guy, there are only a handful of RomComs that I would want to watch more than once, so the fact that this made it on the list is high praise.

Fun Mom Dinner

Worth a watch!
Went in with no expectations and gave it a 50/50 chance on whether we'd even watch the whole thing, but we really enjoyed it. Laughed a lot and the actors did a great job and were really relatable, not just over-the-top ridiculous like a lot of other movies in this vein. Not that there's anything wrong with that - I love some of those movies, but it was just refreshing to have a comedy like this where it felt real and not outlandish. Bridget Everett is a rising star - she's really funny!


Cringey and unwatchable
Really bad acting and no laughs. The sister, the love interest, and the Acapulco vibes are the only things saving this from a 1 star.

Terminator: Dark Fate

Too many unanswered questions
I know going into a movie like this to leave logic and reason at the door and just enjoy the ride, so my problem isn't with how a solid metal person is also simultaneously fully liquid while also being able to do other things that don't make sense. No, my problem is with the massive questions created by the plot of the film that we're waiting patiently for them to finally get answered...eventually...right? ...only to get to "roll credits." The first half of the film is a solid 6.5, but the combination of the story leaving the audience frustrated and Linda Hamilton's increasing presence on the screen (Surprise! She's still a terrible actress) causing me to say "ugh" more times than I could count...brings it in with a disappointing finish.

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