
IMDb member since September 2016
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    7 years


Chicago Med

Mixed bag of feelings
The first season started decently enough (I don't have a medical background so I cannot comment on accuracy), and I do enjoy medical dramas. What bugs me about this is the very damaged relationships. People being horrible to each other because they're supposed to "love" and "care" about each other. Then there's also a tendency to fall into seriously messed up patterns, where no one listens and people get way too emotionally involved.

I know it's a show - artistic license has to be taken, but despite the fact that doctors are human, there's some serious "superhero" complexes at play and a general disregard for policy and law.

I'm still watching though; morbid curiousity and a lot of time on hand.


Good concept and performance, let down ending
I've been interested in what child actors can do as they grow, and while I'm a fan of the Harry Potter books, not the movies as much. Daniel Radcliffe is definitely an actor to watch - great potential and decent performance (even held a decent American accent). The film has a great concept, looks are everyone's deep, dark secrets, and interesting dynamics with families and friends. It was even executed well. I just think it could've been about 20 minutes shorter, and wrapped up a lot quicker, the excessive violence was unnecessary.

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