
IMDb member since October 2016
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After Last Season

Mark Region = Pretentious Douchebag
This movie is so awful the director had to create 2 fake accounts to boost the IMDb score of this movie. The acting (if you can call it that) is absolutely horrendous it's not even like Birdemic or The Room where it's funny bad. Almost every 'set' is made out of cardboard they even made a cardboard MRI machine. This movie had a budget of 5,000,000 Birdemic was made with 10,000 and it looks 100x better than this. The fake reviews Mark Region wrote (Marvin-x and interfect are the users) both give 10 stars and both try justify the film looking like crap as a 'unique style'. The dialogue in this movie consists of awkward silences and completely bland and boring subjects. I think this movie is supposed to be a drama but i wouldn't know as i fell asleep less than halfway through. This seriously might be the worst movie of all time.

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