
IMDb member since October 2016
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Un + Une

I am Buddhist
The director is most famous for directing the movie "A Man and a Woman". Fifty years later, he makes the film with the same theme again. The story is set in India. A woman who plays the lead who always adheres to the Oriental philosophy. But the man is a composer and an idealistic type. In this story, they go on a pilgrimage after that. This plot was not too shabby. But I can't accept these easily.

Then they met a mysterious woman who says she can cure any kind of illness and said "love is my religion". I'm vaguely Buddhist so I somehow understand to the philosophy about "the wheel of life" even though nobody taught that to me. I don't think all of the people live to suffer for the future life. And I don't know why they're always celebrities, and they have a luxury travel after a pilgrimage, after all they meet with success. I felt empty that our dreams don't surely come true if you went to a pilgrimage. I felt the same thing when I saw the American movie "Eat Pray Love". Anyway the song will finish in a 3 minutes, the movie will end in 2 hours, our life will continue.


Sound of Bugs
A popular director Scorsese made a Japanese period film, so I went to see the movie. This film based on a novel about the oppression of Christians. The incident had actually occurred in the Edo period. I learned about it, but I can't imagine what it would have been like. I felt terrible after I had watched, but it made me thoughtful. Why is it focus on a coward Kichiziro? Why are many mosquitoes appeared? I thought the sound of bugs means God. If something like the oppression happened to me, I'd be so scared that I wouldn't be able to get any sleep. And I would have to pretend to survive. The

Kono sekai no katasumi ni

This is my best movie 2006
One word: incredible! It takes place in Hiroshima during the war. I'm not a fan of anime at all but I think this anime will always hold a special place forever. The story was fast-moving and it's not too preachy. I thought it was written about our imagination. You know, the war only brought sorrow and took our imagination away. I actually was moved to tears sometimes since I empathized with her. I'm sure you'll be moved too :)

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