Reviews (2)

  • The movie is set in Lebanon, and based on real Lebanese problems. However, the setting could be in another country, another time, with two other groups that hate each other. It is about the universal problem of wrath and resentment boiling over. The movie is well done, with some unnecessary dramatic flourishes - the story is dramatic enough in itself and didn't need these additional items (Don't wish to say what exactly in order not to have any spoilers). In any case it deserves its Oscar nomination.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The story line is about a Lebanese mother who hates all Syrians, as a Syrian bomb killed her beloved brother years ago; her daughter is about to be engaged to a Syrian man. However, this story line is but the tip of the iceberg, and the movie is very much about the issues of honesty and communication within a family, and in relationships, and this makes it relevant to an audience all over the world. It is true that some of the humor may be lost on people who have not been exposed to Lebanese culture and customs, and it is more fun if you understand Lebanese Arabic. There are a few other messages in the movie that are, I think, meant to debunk prejudices. The more mature actors are excellent; the actor playing the Syrian fiancé is also very nuanced. The younger actresses overdo their role somewhat, and give the film a "slapstick" aspect, which is too bad, as it diminishes the quality of the movie. I would nevertheless recommend it wholeheartedly.