
IMDb member since October 2016
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flawed, but on the whole, enjoyable
Seems a bit of snobbery in the reviews here about how much they understand the ins and ours of time travel, therefore it's an Amazing film. well, you don't, you would understand the paradoxical levels in this film are implausible. That aside, it IS a movie, it's there to be enjoyed and not scrutinised for everything that is fact, not fiction. personally I enjoyed the film, though there are loopholes and giant cracks of sci fact, not sci fi, the premise is quite original. I would watch again, it won't win any Oscars or pull up any trees in the advancement of cinema, but it's an enjoyable and thought provoking piece

The Sex Addict

if you value your time, don't bother
Classed as a comedy drama? Really? Predictable, self indulgent, boring, no comedy, can't class it as a drama either as the script and acting is so so bad. Even if you just want a bit of titillation, adult comedy... look elsewhere it offers nothing at all in any category of movie making. In summary, I've no idea what the movie is trying to be or say. Avoid. 0/10

Evil Dead

Good film. original was better.
Good film, good acting, good effects. But offers nothing new to the original.... nearly a carbon copy, which other than sfx makes me wonder why bother? If it ain't broke....... still, if you haven't seen the original Evil Dead it's more than worth a watch, but then rent the original. If you have seen the original you'll find yourself comparing the 2 films second by second, which kind of ruined it for me.

The Neon Demon

i do not understand the love for this film at all
I am truly baffled that this film has a high rating,

The positives;

Casting is a triumph, not only very good actors, but very attractive and believable in their roles.

Cinematography is outstanding,

The Negatives;

Slow, very slow, in fact, slower than that. Almost pedestrian.

Pretentious and meaningless, although the actors are very good, the fact i didn't care what happened to ANY of them speaks volumes about the Direction and Writing.

At several points the film seems to try and become a message, a moral, a thriller, then it swings back to lame attempts at horror and eventually dips a very little toe into the waters of soft core suggestive erotica, i've no doubt that the film was intended to be much more than it is, possibly should have been, unfortunately the director seems to get constantly confused as to what the narrative of the film is, therefore losing any cinematic experience.

What we end up with is trite, dull, pretentious and annoying, no doubt it will win a lot of "critics" awards and admirers, but certainly not from inside the industry itself or their peers.

But this is not a film, its a piece of art, at which it truly is accomplished, 10/10, however, this is a movie and a movie website and as such, as a movie, its awful, 1/10.

It will be confined to the DVD bargain bin, despite the outrageous reviews on here proclaiming its brilliance. Despite the annoyance and the snobbery within the critique community.


No thought put into the authors story and a total feeling of "cannot be bothered" by cast and crew through the entire film(s)
I honestly believe the books are just not converting to the big screen for the simple reason the books have to much info for the silver screen to digest in 2hours, so it is condensed, to the point where its either to obvious to predict or just leaves out chunks of information, thus the editing leaves a lot on the cutting room floor.

I would honestly prefer either 2 films of the same book (i.e. part 1 &2) or a 3-4 hr movie that can transfer the the credentials of the authors writing rather than a rushed hacked job.

Unfortunately for this franchise at least, the studio take away the elements of the books that make them best sellers and try to turn them into the usual Hollywood blockbuster drivel. To us mere mortals that would seem an incredibly stupid thing to do, especially as its the authors' credit that the books engross you by, indeed the storytelling, so why after failure No1 in the Da Vinci Code, do they make 2 + 3 in the exact same fashion.

such potential, as a series could of been one of the greats instead we have a cash hungry formula which so often fails to deliver, yet is so often replicated. wasted opportunity.

Maybe, we could get a re-boot in a few years that do the books justice.

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