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Ring of the Nibelungs

Do not bother
Not worth anyone's time.I saw a German one from the 60s years before and that one is far better even if its very old now.The end i found disappointing on this one.

Gunslingers: Bass Reeves - The Real Lone Ranger
Episode 4, Season 2

Wrong title good show
Ok this show is pretty good but you should not take everything too serious.Om pme episode someone is said to have murdered someone which historians very much doubt.In this one about Bass Reeves it is said he is the inspiration for the Lone Ranger.There is no comparison with the Lone Ranger at all.The Lone Ranger is a white man with a mask fighting crime with a native american side-kick.Bass Reeves was a black unmasked man who never had a native american side-kick.Otherwise a very good episode but as i said dont take verything in tthis and other episodes too seriously.


European movie for a European audience.
This movie gets too many bad reviews mostly i think just cause people read how bad the movie is.Well i liked it cause it is a very good historic epic movie.The fight scenes which is what americans care most about i think were ok.The drama in it was pretty good also.It was not as big as a Gladiator or Braveheart maybe but i think they may not have hasd the same amount of cash the others had,I would not be surprised if compared with other European historical movies this was pretty good.If you compare it with big movies with lots of green-screen action in it you may think it not so good.But it is not some fantasy movie this is an effort to make a historical epic movie and it has succeeded pretty well i think.But i guess alot of peopel now would call Shakespeare a bad writer.The movie is fine i just deserves another audience.

Winnetou & Old Shatterhand

God Forgive them they did not know what they were doing
Dreadful the Aoache talked LAKOTA imean if you want to make a more serious movie let it be the correct language and they act as if the Apaches were unknown with white men.They were not they met the first white man 200-300 years earlier. Really dreadful if someone knows better

The Flash: Flash vs. Arrow
Episode 8, Season 1

Do it again please.
Nice tp see Arrpw and the Flash together.Do wonder why Diggle was there as he did not have alot to do and as someone else said earlier first they have to catch anger-man then they have him NO EXPLINATION AT ALL. HOW. I would have liked to see how they did it.So yes this really could have done better.

Nachtwacht: De Klopgeest
Episode 5, Season 3

Good show
Good episode of this show the synopses says the men are gay.As it is a children show it is nowhere stated.So they may be but they might just as well not be.If these had been two women not a lot of people would automatically say they were lesbians.Anyway its a good episode of the show there are better ones too that i may review later

Babylon 5: The Corps Is Mother, the Corps Is Father
Episode 13, Season 5

I guess Koenig was entitled to get another episode by contract.For me it should not have to be.The whole episode is just a filler so they got to 22 again it has nothing to do with what happened and will have nothing to do with the rest of what is to come.As said they should have stuck with 4 seasons or make 5 a really good one which this is not.Bit of a shame up to season 4 this was the best show in ages.Then it killed itself almost.

Babylon 5: A View from the Gallery
Episode 4, Season 5

Perfect example
This episode is a perfect example why after having to do things in one season instead of 2 they should have said OK we are not going to last 5 years and do a decently good show still cause well they have not.The episode had nothing to do with whatever happened before or will happen after so skip it.If they could have added the Telepath War they have been talking about i say fine but they have not.A lot of what is happening in season 5 is as interesting as seeing grass grow.A perfect remedy against insomnia.Just skip it.

Babylon 5: Rising Star
Episode 21, Season 4

End but not really
This should have been the last episode.Almost everything that comes after this episode is just cause they wanted a 5 year run so desperately.I would have reconsidered.Did not like the change from Ivanova to Lochley.The main story-line seemed forced cause well it was not really ever concluded.The really last episode of this season even felt it was cause they wanted 22 episodes each season.I liked the episode but as i said after it was clear things were going to change in a bad way they should have called it quits.

Babylon 5: Intersections in Real Time
Episode 18, Season 4

OK one reviewer found the episode interesting.The other was shocked.I thought it was something that could have been dealt with in 15 minutes and then the show could have moved on to something more interesting to watch.I hate anything having to do with torture cause it just bores me like nothing else can.Senseless violence bores.I wish they had finished the war in season 5 cause now things get hurried in season 4 and 5 was mostly very boring and we lost a few very good actors who either vanished or got replaced by non-interesting ones.When you see this for the first time watch it cause you need it when you have seen it and are watching the show again skip this one cause it will make you give the wrong idea about Babylon 5 and you may not want to continue watching it which would be a mistake.

Babylon 5: Moments of Transition
Episode 14, Season 4

I liked how they made the Minbari civil war end.I did think Sheridan's rage a lot forced from one moment trying to calm Ivanova down to rage.I would have liked a more rational approach.Angry people are stupid people who make mistakes.And cold anger i much more scary then this way.I Always considered Sheridan the more rational one in these few minutes that was blown away and very out of character and stupid.

Babylon 5: Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?
Episode 2, Season 4

Bad idea in a very good show
Lorien and Sheridan bored the hell out of me as for the rest i would have been satisfied with the dead being dead and someone else take over the station.Not being a very religious person myself the whole idea is just weird.Dead is dead and if not it should not have taken 3 episodes to find out.death by boredom is worse then any other kind of

Babylon 5: Severed Dreams
Episode 10, Season 3

Loved it
This was epic and as the title said a start of a new era for Babylon 5.Only thought the answer to the majors suggestion to take Hiroshi's living crew members as part of Babylon 5's crew was again too overdramatic.He is not honored he needs the bloody people to keep up defenses.And he did not know Hiroshi no why should he so a simple yes to that question by the major could have been a simple yes i will.Less Shakespeare more 23rd century

Babylon 5: Walkabout
Episode 18, Season 3

Too harsh
OK while i agree this was not the best episode of the season i would not call it the worst of the show.Erica Gimpel is a good singer no doubt.And having the doc meet someone while on walkabout is natural.And this part of the episode is no worse then the episode in season 1 where Londo meets a woman and gets attracted to her.If a series was just about wars and death it would not be a good show.Besides in the same episode you get a confrontation with the Shadows that is important for the rest of the show.Besides in season 5 there are a lot more bad episodes then this one.Personally i think they should have quit after 4 years when they killed off Marcus and Claudia Christian (Susan Ivanova) left.Her replacement and the backstory they had for that character was almost something out of a soap-opera.Every now and then the show does get a bit over dramatic.As for this episode there is more to it then just the Steven arc.If you miss it you miss something important

Babylon 5: A Distant Star
Episode 4, Season 2

worst of the season
Except for the first view by someone from B5 of the Shadows which i think is why they wrote this episode about as interesting as seeing grass grow.It almost became soap-opera and that is not a complement.Especially the actor playing Maynard did not make me feel like he was what he acted just an actor doing his lines.

Babylon 5

Babylon 5 the best sf
I have not seen anything like this before or after Babylon 5 came out.In most series like this you have good people and bad people.People in a way of speaking of course.Anyway in this show you had god people who did bad things for completely sensible reasons if you looked at it from their perspective.Shame it changed after season 4.Personally i missed Ivanova.And to be honest after the series quit the only thing you ever heard about most of the actors was that they either died of did something completely different.So i wish it had gone on with the same actors as it started off with from season 2.As I said besides the real sf part the main characters were neither completely good or bad.They were real personalities who did bad things for in their eyes good reasons.And it had some good ideas it went against sexism by show strong women and in a way it went against racism.Maybe some people now should watch it again.After seeing the whole show again for the i know how many times I think this is the best ever made but i think it went on too long or got in too much trouble to make a decent fifth season after losing both Marcus and Susan Ivanova they should have wrapped it up and say well we had 4 seasons we have been Lucky.The fifth was pretty much below part Lockley was a disappointment and her being an ex-wife of Seridan was just a rescue missing for a show that wanted to make a fifth season cause they set out to but did not have the means to do it right anymore.So up to season 4 this is better then Startrek will ever be.

First Knight

Just bad
Richard Gere should play detectives or cowboys but not Knights.This is the worst King Arthur movie i have seen in my life.He really is too American and besides the whole story is just bad.Before and after have been much better movies telling movies about King Arthur,Beides there should be less of an age gap between King Arthur and Lancelot.This movie is like a meal at McDonalds it feeds you but its not a good meal.

Il fantasma dell'opera

Anyone who has knowledge of the Phantom of the Opera and thinks this is one version of it.Think again this is just toilet paper turned into film.It is just sick.I watched it once and threw it away in the garbage which is where it belongs.Julian Sands must really have needed money to do this movie.

The War of the Worlds

OK but no big deal
It was OK but i did not like the fact that they Martians were not defeated by accident like in the book and the Jeff Wayne version.This man is too smart-ass.Typical yankee approach.I really like the idea that they are saved moe by luck then their own smartness like here cause they would not have thought of it its too non-violent.

The Count of Monte Cristo

Like the BBC 1971 version of Last of the Mohicans which wsas the best made version of that story this Count of Monte Cristo is fantastic.Its a bit of a shame they keep the murder plot out of it but apart from that its excellent.If it had been a movie it would deserve an Oscar.The BBC should see this again and learn from it.Nowadays their historical series are busier with being political correct and not with historical correctness.The acting here is suerb the costumes are beautiful.Maybe they should do it again in color now but that would be the only change i would advise.No costume changes no script-changes.


read the book
This series might be more political correct according to some but that's whats wrong with it.Jews in the 12th century were discriminated you may not like it but that was the case then.In this version Prince John himself is depicted as a killer.Even if he ever had part in a murder he ordered it and did none himself.He did not have to.A love affair between Ivanhoe and Rebecca would be unrealistic.Same with tintin in Africa you can read that comic and this book without a problem if you remember that is how the sentiment was in those days.Don't try to turn it in a modern version which is political correct.The BBC has messed up a lot of historical series in that way lately.I would like a new version that is more according to the book.And btw i doubt Sir Walter Scott was antisemitic and i certainly am not.

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