
IMDb member since November 2016
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    IMDb Member
    7 years


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Surrogacy Secrets Unveiled
Prepare to be captivated by a gripping tale that delves deep into the shadowy underbelly of surrogacy, unearthing a web of astonishing secrets, twisted lies, and jaw-dropping revelations that challenge the very fabric of society. This riveting series explores the harrowing world of "colorism" and racism, shining a harsh light on the plight of indigenous people. With its thought-provoking narrative and masterful writing, it skillfully leaves viewers questioning their own beliefs and perceptions. Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey into a realm where nothing is as it seems, and prepare to have your mind blown by a story that demands to be seen.

No Hard Feelings

Snappy Comedy Flick!
"No Hard Feelings" is an instant movie classic that'll leave you with no regrets. Jennifer Lawrence shines as Maddie Barker, a modern-day Mrs. Robinson who takes you on an Uber-licious joyride to fun-dom! Andrew Barth Feldman, our new-age Gary from "Last American Virgin," triumphs as a hero in his own coming-of-age story. In this era of Insta-gratification and iPhone-niness, "No Hard Feelings" serves up comedy that hits the spot!

Picture betrayal transformed into a side-splitting subplot just like the writers did in "No Hard Feelings." Jennifer Lawrence nails the comedic timing with precision, while Andrew Barth Feldman adds his innocent charm that's so utterly endearing, it turns scenes into uproarious explosions of hilarity!


"Glamorous" is a kaleidoscope of diversity, where the search for our shared truth, beauty, and goodness takes center stage.
Prepare to be dazzled and delighted by the sensational masterpiece that is "Glamorous"! Critics may have tried to pigeonhole it with their short-sighted lenses and sprinkle it with ageist flair, but let me tell you, this show is far from being just another glamorous tale. No, my friends, it is a shining beacon of super glam!

"Glamorous" takes you on an extraordinary journey, transcending the mundane confines of a typical coming-of-age story. It dives deep into the very essence of embracing your authentic self, defying the shallow realms of filters and cosmetics. This show is a captivating celebration of humanity in all its forms-embracing people of all genders, ages, and cultures with open arms.

Imagine a kaleidoscope of diversity, where the search for our shared truth, beauty, and goodness takes center stage. It's like a magnificent tapestry, woven with threads of individuality and acceptance. Prepare to be uplifted, inspired, and entertained as "Glamorous" invites you to explore the depths of your own identity and celebrate the extraordinary tapestry of our collective existence.

So, my dear friend, don't miss out on this exhilarating experience. Allow yourself to be swept away by the wit, charm, and profound message of "Glamorous." Get ready to revel in a show that challenges societal norms, expands our horizons, and leaves you with a smile on your face and a renewed sense of joy in your heart. You owe it to yourself to witness the magic of "Glamorous" firsthand!

The Idol

The Idol is an enthralling spectacle to behold. This show sets to create a cult-following.
The deliberate and captivating delivery of numerous scenes in the first episode of The Idol goes beyond mere shock and awe; it is a purposeful artistic choice. Unrestrained by societal expectations, the show embraces the true essence of self-expression and liberation. HBO has truly created an authentic series that doesn't seek validation but rather demands acknowledgement. Through her portrayal of Jocelyn, a pop star on the cusp of attaining superstardom in the vast galaxy of pop music, Lily-Rose Depp fearlessly exposes her innermost self, baring her soul to the world. The Weeknd, in the role of Tedros, unexpectedly crosses paths with Jocelyn, and despite their unfamiliarity, a profound connection is established. Rather than a clash of personalities, they genuinely comprehend each other on a profound level. The sheer excitement that emanates from this show makes it an enthralling spectacle to behold.

Fighting with My Family

Funny! Entertaining!
With current poltical noise and extreme Winter climes, I chose to go and see this movie. It's hilarious, filled with tender, and endearing moments. Worth the money! Thanks to The Rock!

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