
IMDb member since November 2016
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The Resident

Agenda driven
This is the modern medical world as seen through liberal eyes. The villain's are health insurance companies and anyone who stands in the way of free health care for all. There are people who want to save lives (liberals) and those that only want to make money (conservatives).

The writers of this show should visit some socialist medical paradise where all medicine is free but they don't have any.

One good thing is that they are not afraid of casting a minority as a bad guy, which is refreshing. Acting is good. If you want to see something closer to the chaos of modern medicine watch The Hospital (1971) written by Paddy Chayefsky.


The girl he left behind
The premise is a spaceman signs up for a year long mission. Halfway through the mission, his wife is tired of waiting for him and wont even talk to him on the phone.

The wife is portrayed sympathetically, but she seems to be immature and selfish. The husband comes off as a wimp who accepts that his wife's rejection of him is his fault.

Soldiers go to war and don't see their families for years. Explorers are often gone over a year. Men and women managed. The premise of this movie is that women and men are too sensitive to endure anything like that now.

Sandler's character falls apart from loneliness. His wife seems completely unreasonable in her demands. There is nothing manly about him or feminine about her. Did anyone else notice this?


Charming old musical
Lovely antebellum romance. Bebe Daniels sparkles as a southern belle who is being pursued by two suitors. Comedy relief is provided by the team of Wheeler and Woolsey who are corny but fun. The songs are surprisingly good.

You can't see movies like this anymore. The feminine lead is quite feminine, sweet, and coy. It is a world in which love is based on some romantic dream that has since been destroyed by modern outspokenness.

It is set in pre Civil War Louisiana. There is a lot that would offend modern critics in this movie. The slaves appear contented and happy. They get along well with whites. White masters seem indulgent, kindly masters.

The Terminal List

Soft core sadism
Action packed violence where it is hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys. Chris Pratt is solid and stolid as an avenging Navy seal. Fast pace but disturbingly violent. Are the good guys better than the bad guys? At the end the characters are naively surprised that dangerous experimental drugs are being used on active duty service men without their knowledge. This has actually been going at least since Vietnam.

Defending Your Life

Hindu Heaven
Visit Hindu Heaven with Albert Brooks. This is where Hollywood stars go when they die. There is no hell. No faith. The purpose of existence is to overcome fear. Have a real good life and you won't have to come back. If you screw up you have to come back.

The Eyes of Tammy Faye

Well made, but Christians won't like it.
A well made movie that did not make any money. The sort of people who would watch it are Christians. They won't watch it because Christians are portrayed as crooks (Jim Bakker) intolerant (Jerry Falwell) or dopes (Tammy Faye) It is like the movie they made of Maggie Thatcher that made her look bad. The only people who would watch it were fans of Thatcher. They didn't want to see it.

Don't Look Up

Would have been funnier to satirize the global alarmist.
Half the people in the US think global warming is a serious problem calling for drastic action. These people have been predicting dire consequence for 50 years. The oceans will rise 10 feet and so on. These things never seem to happen. It seems it would be easier to make fun of them than their critics. But everyone in Hollywood believes in Global warming, so we have this movie. It you belong to the Church of Global Warming you might like this movie.

Being the Ricardos

Not funny
The script was not engaging. There was nothing funny in it. Nicole never made you think she was the funny Lucy. She was better at playing the off screen Lucy. She had the voice down. But she seemed cold and distant. They did a show about the greatest TV comedy that was not funny.

JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass

How we got here
If you want to know how America got to where we are now this is a good place to start. Intelligence agencies determining foreign policy, picking and unpicking presidents. It all begins with JFK. The military industrial complex get rid of him, cover it up, and start a war.

Keeping Up with the Joneses

Zack is not a leading man
Zack is a funny guy but he can't play an every day guy. He can't carry a movie as the lead. Neither could Belushi.


This is so biased it is almost funny. Biden as a boy, is a stutterer. He overcomes this with characteristic bravery. He loses his wife and daughter in a car accident. He is always a victim, even when he is caught plagiarizing. Trump is shown to be, even as a boy, a bully, a liar, and a thief. I wonder who the folks at PBS are going to vote for?

The Post

Fairy tale
Brave reporters fighting for the truth. Did this world ever exist? Not at the Post or the Times. They only went after the Vietnam war when a Republican was in the White House.If a Republican is in the White House they are brave revolutionaries. If a Democrat is in they are cheerleaders.

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