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Candy Cane Lane

It grows slightly! After 11 watches 🙄
I have grown watching Eddie Murphy and a massive Christmas fan so how could this go wrong! It does majorly. The elf pepper could have had a more relatable actress to make it more dark, she simply didn't fulfill that character. The purpose of Kit was the annoying bit with her nephew, they weren't needed in the story with just one anchor and his sarcasm that could have been funnier instead of annoying, grating and poor acting. Nick Offerman could have been the competing neighbour instead of a small 'literary' part. I love the main cast and the story does grow after watching many times but it will not be a 'go to' Christmas movie I'm afraid although I have tried my best watching and seeing different perspectives. Please don't make a sequel.

Alan Carr's Epic Gameshow

Original Is Dated!
Some folk need to wind their neck in and accept times have changed. I grew up watching these shows and this was a great take on them. However, it does seem a little cold letting contestants walk off themselves and a few awkward moments. This was enjoyable well thought and some new additions to revive the relics. Alan is more enjoyable than some that have tried and failed this job application. I enjoy it more because it's not all 'celebrity specials' it's allowing actual members of the public to participate and that is seldom seen now with money 'going to charity'. Please accept that 30 years have passed and this is a good revamp.

Hocus Pocus 2

I felt a bond
I cried, I felt a bond for 30 years of watching the original and I loved it. The back story, the songs and the ending, and Bette still has the singing voice on point. Sadly I felt I was saying goodbye to the actors themselves and not the characters so I did cry but it does leave the ending happy and the atmosphere with the filming was great. Remember to keep watching after the credits. Binx is dead but he isn't, if you get it you get it. I will watch this many many times although 30 years of watching the original it has a lot of catching up to do.

Definitely a great Disney, Halloween and Bette movie that everyone will enjoy.

Click & Collect

Not too shabby!
A mixture of Deck the Halls & Jingle all the way but toned down. Stephen Merchants dryness makes it enjoyable but Asim Chaudhry gives it the warmth. Soundtrack not bad either but I could be bias being a Christmas fan 🎄


True, powerful and effective
I work front line as a key worker and we were let down and undermined just like this portrayed. A powerful and tremendous cast and really does hit home with majority of the story.

The Christmas Chronicles: Part Two

*yawn* high hopes and let down
The 1st CC was great and we can never have another Santa now that Kurt Russell has filled the boots but... the bad guy acting didn't work, the naive young step-brother didn't work and missing the older brother being the jerk that brothers are. Julian Dennison can't do any other accent, he can't act and actually Ruins movies. Hopefully if there's a 3rd movie there's no Belsnickel!


Villians will always be cool
Emma Thompson what a performance as usual and a great 'baddy'! Looking forward to the coming dalmatians...? Emma Stone pulled it off which I wasn't expecting but another in the bag for Disney.


Scottish Lives Matter
If David Tennant doesn't win an award for this portrayal then the world is seriously messed up! Tremendous performance by him and so disturbingly like him. The story is kept to the truth and a must see


If it's not broke, don't fix it!
Already there was a fantastic version of this out then disney brought their magic with the 1998 animated version... this does appeal more to those who haven't watched the original or animation. I think if the great Bruce Lee were alive he would have a part in this and it would still be watchable. Not too bad but I wouldn't watch it over and over like I do most Disney

Secret Scotland

Worth It!
Never watched Susan until Hogmanay then she burst onto our screens. Having toured much of my beautiful country I was hesitant to give this a go thinking it would be boring, Susan would be annoying and it would be your typical narrative with some scenery shots! Surprisingly enjoyable, should be longer with more historical points on landmarks but can't really grumble

Ghost Loop

Curiosity got the better of me 🙄
I love paranormal programmes but this... it's over exaggerated, over enthusiastic, over dramatic and BAD acting at parts. Sean seems genuine, being an investigator of paranormal myself for 10+years I'm impressed with the equipment they use and some of the local information that's about it. Sean should go it alone and save his reputation

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