
IMDb member since December 2016
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    7 years



Incredible modernisation of a classic
Firstly I am a HUGE fan of the original Hellraiser films (primarily 1 and 2) and even to this date I find them fantastically creepy! So I didn't expect much from this new re vamped version, but oh was I pleasantly surprised!

I don't want to give anything away so I won't, but this film is an incredible modernised version of Hellraiser! It's creepy, it's dark, the music score is fantastic (you may recognise it!) bloody (yes it is bloody ignore anybody who says that it's not). The main thing for me that made me love this film was the new version of the cenobites, lead by the incredible actor Jamie Clayton, who completely makes the Pinhead role her character Ll her own own!

Definitely recommend you all to watch! One of the best horrors I've seen in years!!


Unwatchable due to poor sound and actors 'whispering'
I started getting into this film as it looked very promising from the start and kept you second guessing what was going on. About ten minutes into the film I kept on having to turn up the volume as it was so darn quiet, especially when any of the actors spoke. Then it made me realise that throughout most scenes of the film the two main actors were unnecessarily 'whispering' whenever they spoke! It was so annoying that I had to switch it off! Why on earth would the director want the main characters pretty much impossible to listen to?! Or is it just very poor acting? The actresses who plays the little boys Mum is probably better off working in a library opposed to being an actress as her whispering was the worst out of them all! It's a shame as it looks a great story but it was constantly too quiet one minute then overly loud music and sounds the next! Perhaps they need to start again and actually allow the leading actors to BE HEARD! I definitely wouldn't recommend this to anybody, especially if you are hard of hearing!

The Seed

Take it for what it is
I don't understand the hate for this film!? It's definitely different but surely isn't that a good thing! It's weird, odd, daft but in some places pretty memorable! I love things with aliens in it and this is definitely a modern day social media take on things!


Why the hate??
I love apocalyptic films and this one was great! I feel it had a good build up to the climatic ending! It's not an all violent film, it's more of a survival against the odds type of film.

I really don't understand the hate for this film as it's definitely one of the better Netflix new releases recently. Perhaps people expected more fill on action from start to finish - if this had been the case then it would of been a completely different type of film altogether!

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