
IMDb member since September 2005
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    18 years


Eiga Inuyasha Kagami no Naka no Mugenjô

This movies awesome!!!!!
This movie is 100% Awesome!!! It even gets interesting the minute you start to watch it! The beginning starts out with them, trying to kill niraku. And this woman (i forget her name) then thinks shes free. Then this other woman, grants her in her kingdom. And she has to get her these items.

But, i don't wanna ruin the whole movie. So make sure, you watch it! This movie contains fighting, romance,comedy, adventure and suspense. And a lil bit of nudity, (there in a hot-spring, but they don't show there whole body and stuff) Everything, you could ever want! I think its awesome. The only thing i don't like, is just its too short. They should make it longer. =D

Also, this movie doesn't have an age rating. Personally, i would rate it pg 13. Just cause it says curse words, a lil bit of nudity, and violence.


This is the best show ever!!!!!!!
This show i must admit is very good. The best cartoon i have ever seen. This show introduced me to anime. So, i watched a lot of other animes. But, i have to admit, this was the best!!! And, this is coming from a 15 year old who thought would /never/ like cartoon related shows. xD I loved to relate to the characters. The drawings were so cool. The song at the end of every show, is also good. One thing i like about it, is that it really doesn't have a theme song/clip at the beginning. It just said what the shows title was and you didn't have to sit for 2 minutes watching some clip for 1-2 minutes every single show! I also like how it had everything you want in a TV show! Like love, romance, suspense, fighting, crying, etc... And the detail is amazing!!!! And that its suited for guys and girls too. I was hooked on this show the first 10 minutes i ever saw it! If you are looking for a new TV show to become your favorite, you should try this one! Especially if your one of those people who simple love anime!!! But if your one of those people who are 12 years and under, make sure your parents say OK before watching this. This show does have some cursing, lots of violence that shows blood, and /some/ nudity. I barley see nudity on it, but it will occur sometimes.

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