
IMDb member since December 2016
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You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment

Interesting look at how diet impacts our overall health
This is an interesting study around the impact of what we eat. I don't understand why some are angered by it.

It really shouldn't be a surprise that overly processed foods aren't good for us. I love cheese but even I know that another mammals mother's milk isn't made for humans.

Big companies have always paid to advertise the benefits of their products. The US and Canadian food pyramids were funded by and paid for by the milk and meat industry. Just like we all need protein powder or Gatorade or vitamins everyday to make sure we're getting what we need rather than just eating better.

I'm recommending this to friends.

Keeping Faith

Season 2 still a great show
Solid entry - those that are saying it's slow moving are maybe more used to action shoot-em-ups. Keeping Faith has never been that. More thoughtful more character-driven.

I highly recommend.

Agatha Raisin

Very enjoyable - same spirit as the books but updated from the 90's
I've been reading the books since the 90's and have enjoyed them quite a bit. While not great literature, they are an entertaining, light read. You'll have to excuse some very glaring continuity issues - hello, what are editors for? - but still a lot of fun.

The TV series is the same - entertaining, light fun. I know many are disparaging the TV series as not being enough like the books, but I don't agree. I don't think it matters if the characters are exactly like the books. In a book, you can spend very little space getting into a character's thoughts and motivations, something really quite hard and often boring to do in film. Updating from the 90"s to now means that quite a bit has to change including how Agatha would operate in PR and the world at large. Like the Hamish MacBeth TV show (which is fabulous, by the way) I think the writers for this series took the fun and the spirit of the books, without some of the nastiness or unbelievable plot devices, and have created something entertaining.

This Agatha Raisin is a character for "now" not the 90's and is well-written and acted. I'd really like to see another series.

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