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Not that immaculate
I wanted so much to enjoy another foray into horror with religious tropes but thought it was a little bit nasty a little bit ordinary and doesn't stand out against other similar movies of the genre.

Sidney sweeney is so very watchable as the virgin like nun finding her way relocated to a Italian back of beyond nunnery.

A tour de force of acting from ss especially the final sequence which I gotta admit had me gripped more than the rest of the movie.

There are a few repulsive moments that will make you ew, but mostly the movie relies on the usual jump scares to frighten.

The final scene where ss pulls on her acting chops to end the movie leaves little to the imagination but she pulls it off with great aplomb!!

Watch this for Sidney and little else!!


I like a tennis movie as a rule but there's not that much tennis in it to be fair.

It's a basically a toxic love triangle between our three protagonists including the scintillating zendaya!

There's and the lot of backward and forward in time throughout the movie which left me quite confused on occasion.

There were also a couple of uncomfortable scenes during the threesomes shall we say dangerous liaisons. Zendaya is outstanding as the possible femme fatale girl next door former tennis pro tashi Duncan, seriously this girl is going to be a megastar she steals every scene with those sensational smouldering looks.

It's a ok movie but I gave it 6 out of 10 as its missing something I couldn't quite put my finger on!

The Fall Guy

The All guy
Being a big fan of the 80s tv series I didn't really wanna like this but damn how wrong was I, why don't they make movies like this anymore? I can't find one fault in anything. It's definitely a love story to the stunt world and a love story to boot.

Emily blunt as ever is gorgeous and well Emily blunt! Ryan gosling is hilarious in Lee majors role as colt seavers.

The stunts wow they just make this movie so much better than it should be!

British Hannah Waddingham pops up with a hilarious over top performance, and Aaron Taylor johnson eats up every scene as the number 1 movie star ryder.

All in all a excellent movie, leave your brain in the foyer though you won't need it! Go, see, enjoy, your welcome!!

Amazing Stories

The cellar
Episode 1 0f the rebooted amazing stories is simply called the cellar. A very very good twist on all the usual time travelling hokum you've ever seen be it a series or a movie.

This episode runs in at just over a hour and the two main players including the awesome Victoria pedettri play star crossed time travelling lovers who are never meant to be together but across the expanse of time always will.

There are no special effects or time travelling boxes or deloreans this is played out in the cellar of a old house with a old barometer on its walls acting as the key to the impossible switch of years.

A very interesting well acted heartbreaking Tour de force of time travel. Well worth a look if you love your scifi!!

Road House

No house
Considering this is a movie about a roadhouse it doesn't spend much time actually in said house!

I knew not too expect a straight remake of the original swayze movie but was quite happy to see Jake gylenhall take on the role of main character Dalton.

In fairness he does a admirable job but again he's no swayze is he.

Taking up the villain of the piece is real life ufc fighter Connor macgregor who hams it up sufficiently as the psychopath Knox!

The fight scenes are suitably bone crunching, and the rest of a largely unknown cast except for a couple of faces you may or may not know do a OK job of filling out a rather paper thin plot.

My only other gripe is they didn't give the roadhouse a name this is explained in the film by bar owner Frankie, but down the road next door to the bookshop is the double deuce restaurant? Go figure!

It's worth a look if you have a couple of hours spares but leave your brains at the door you certainly won't need them!!

Madame Web

Madame dread
So what to say about madame Webb I hated it I liked it I soo wanted it to be better but please I implore you don't make a sequel.

Headliner Dakota Johnson turns in a confusing performance as a impossibly good looking new york city paramedic who after a near miss can see the future but only in a couple of minute spurts, mom was a spider hunter and got bit when pregnant with Dakotas character cassie Webb. Hence this slightly ambiguous err superpower.

The villain of the piece is suitably villainous but comes across like a dark spider man after harnessing a special spiders powers for wrong doing.

Culminating in a final battle high above the rooftops of a building loaded with dodgy Chinese fireworks I kid you not lol.

All in all it's not a bad movie or idea it's just there's something fundamentally missing, unfortunately my spider sense wasn't tingling from this one Devoid of any marvel references to other err Spidermen. It's Saturday afternoon sofa fodder at best, but hey God loves a trier!!

The Marsh King's Daughter

Daisy soo good
Wow what a great movie I was very surprised how good it was daisy ridley plays a awesome part as well as Ben mendleson as the so good bad guy.

So the story is well drawn out with sumptuous cinematography as the story switches between now and then with daisy as a 12 year old girl and a thirty something is really fluid.

The last 45 minutes really kicks the film up a pace as daisy's character goes into all out survival mode to protect her family, no spoilers here.

A very very appealing watch I'm not sure if I'd pay to go and see it in the cinema but as a Sunday afternoon sofa watch I'd highly recommend it!

I Am Rage

I am bored
So who actually decided this movie would be a good idea?

I had to fast forward this movie and manage to watch the best bits (there aren't any) it actually came in at under 56 minutes. So the plot in a nutshell odd family who drink blood and hunt people for sport abduct the wrong person This time and end up dealing with a female psychopath who has been abducted before so she's an old hand at escaping and getting her own back.

It's all played rather straight face no comedy not even one crack to raise a smile!

The movie is seriously messed up from start to finish baddies are bad and I mean bad actors, fight sequences are no better than play fighting and over the top gore factor is plainly laughable (no joke).

Don't waste your time read the reviews they are better than the movie and that's no joke 😏

Gray Matter

Won't tax your brain
So this is a bit of scanners, firestarter, and every other telekinetic movie you may have seen or not before.

The plot in a nutshell mum and daughter are psionics who can move things around teleport places astral project aswell. Both chased by a shadowy government agency with a baddie psionic in charge.

To be fair it's all pretty good although it sags a bit in the middle.

The special effects are quite good the script is OK, I thought the two leads were quite good and the bad guy was suitably bad!

At 86 minutes it pops along nicely as mother tries to protect her naturally inquisitive teenage daughter coming to terms with her amazing powers.

Definitely worth a look if you have nothing better to do for hour and a half or so!

Monsters of California

Douche bags of california
So I managed 49 minutes of this slacker scifi adventure? /comedy.

It had a good idea in the beginning but limped along and wasn't really sure what it was going to be maybe a comedy nah nothing funny here!

The cast were amiable like a noughties scooby doo gang but minus the doo.

The legendary casper van dien makes a appearance as naval intelligence men in black kind of character but he is sorely wasted on a lacklustre script and plot. Scowling through his lines.

Do yourself a favour watch the first twenty minutes ghost house segment then cut and run you won't miss anything else noteworthy.

So to sum up scifi no, comedy no, adventure definitely not, the four stars are for the leads sister in a bikini see where I'm going with this just blah blah blah!!


Have you seen her ballerina
This film could have been perfect except for it's slow plodding pace, however the action and fighting sequences are awesome.

It could have been the female John wick of this year as there is some serious body count but more towards the last half hour when it really kicks into gear, the lead is superb as the grieving friend of a ballerina of the title who commits suicide in strange circumstances, she's does however leave a note that asks for her death to be avenged.

The bad guys are suitably nasty especially the main adversary who is particularly vile.

But they think their nemesis is just a girl but she's far from that as she tries to explain to her friend she works abroad doing things others won't do.

So the scene is set for some serious revenge. It's all in its original language with subtitles but this doesn't detract from it being a goodish revenge movie. Well worth 90 minutes of your time for sure!!

Totally Killer

Totally filler
I wanted so much to like this after reading good and bad reviews.

There is so much to like and dislike about this horror comedy come time travel movie.

The idea which is pretty cool but executed pretty badly there is a total lack of comedy and a total lack of horror it plods along from one skit to the next, the only saving grace is the lead aka sabrina spellman from the previously rebooted sabrina the teenage witch series who plays the wise beyond her years Jamie thrust back into 1987 by a very cool time travel photo booth!

From there on in its a sub scream parody with some annoying teenagers getting wasted along the way as Jamie tries to stop a time travelling serial killer.

The end sequence on the quantum drop fairground ride is by far the best part of the movie.

If you have a spare hour and forty minutes free I recommend a rainy Sunday afternoon watch. It won't win any awards that's for sure!

No One Will Save You

They will fear her !
Wow so this turned into something else even after I read spoilers it had the power to leave me thinking what have I just witnessed!

First of all may I say that lead character played by kaitlyn dever is absolutely sensational in the role of the anxiety riddled brynn.

What starts out all nicey nicey takes a turn when aliens Descend on the tranquil life of the innocent brynn with a heartbreaking back story told later on in the movie.

Brynn must overcome all her anxieties and fears and go head to head with these invaders from another galaxy!

The film has familiar scifi tropes from other movies like "Nope" "close encounters" a little dash of the stepford wives and invaders from Mars if you have seen the original.

I must say this is a fantastic movie scarey at once maybe thought provoking. The special effects are outstanding including the strange otherworldly aliens, I just loved it, you'll get the ending if you loved the likes of invasion of the bodysnatchers.

Go watch it and thank me later!

Knock at the Cabin

Where was the twist?
So I'm not a big fan of shyamalan so I didn't expect too much after watching the trailer.

OK so I was pleasantly Suprised and it doesn't take a detective to work out the plot as it plods along at a slow pace.

I must say dave batista as Leonard is the highlight of the movie who's friendly yet slightly sinister side is waiting to come out at any time.

The movie as a air of creepiness about it and all the cast carry their parts with great aplomb especially the slightly deranged Rupert Grint who plays redmond!

The special effects are excellent the dialogue never verges into the ridiculous as with some of these types of films, but as always with shyamalan I was waiting for the twist, where was the twist?

A Man Called Otto

Old dog new tricks!
Otto is a grumpy old soul who has lost his beloved wife and believes he has nothing to live for anymore that is until a new family moves in across the street, and slowly but surely ottos heart melts and he begins to enjoy his life again. Tom and Travis hanks are exceptional as old and young otto. Mariana trevino is also brilliant as the very funny pregnant Mexican lady who slowly changes ottos outlook on life.

It's a hard watch in places as it tugs at the heart strings I have to admit I'm a grown ass man and it had me at the end without giving too much away but wow what a film it does indeed show that otto did have a big heart, and yep so did I.


Norwegian nonsense?
So it's been a while since I've seen a really good werewolf movie, the last time I indulged was the woeful and laughable 'werewolves within' (don't bother).

With a couple of hours to kill, pardon the pun I took a look at viking wolf which to be fair sounded like typical Norwegian nonsense but I'll be honest I was pleasantly surprised!

I liked the back story although explained in subtitles as its in Norwegian remember and from then on dubbed English which to be fair was really good for a change.

So to the story itself 17 year old thane is mauled by a wolf in the woods after witnessing two friends mauled and killed and slowly begins her metamorphosis into a werewolf, her mother who is a local police officer has to track down the original wolf that mauled her daughter and comes to realise with the help of a werewolf hunter what her daughter will become.

All in all its a very good tale with excellent cgi and all the cast play out their parts with gusto, OK it could have been better but for what it was I enjoyed it and there may be some room for a sequel as the ending is left open!


Is it Wednesday yet?
Jenna Ortega literally turns the Wednesday Adams character on its own head with a tale of teenage angst and foul things that are afoot in her new school.

Ortega is simply splendid as the dour Wednesday adams who has a penchant for all things unnatural and dead she dresses in black and grey and is a exceptionally awesome dancer when thrust into the limelight at the school prom.

Catherine zeta Jones does a satisfactory job as morticia but gomez is bland and unlikable.

Lurch is no more than a onlooker in the onsuing shenanigans.

There's also a outstanding turn by 'thing' the cgi is top notch and most episodes are worthy of season 2 but again Jenna Ortega carries the whole show with deathly gusto!

The Rig

Limp rig
Wow so where to start, I'm a scifi geek nerd whatever you want to call me so I've seen this sort of thing done two or three times before, this ecological disaster series has Nothin new to add to a well trodden genre running alongside some seriously ropey cgi and dodgy accents, ok so I didn't stick around until the end I lasted three episodes and decided to gnaw my own arm off which was by far the better option.

If you liked it however happy days for you, but I'd like to see Amazon pushing for better quality series in the scfi genre, take a look at 'the fog' or 'the mist' movies there is more meat on the bone than six hours of 'the rig'!

Savage Salvation

Savage criticism
I wanted so much to like this film so OK I was expecting some death wish kinda pic with the edition of two well known Hollywood stars. I saw the bad guy a mile off by the way!

So basically it's a drug addled love story come revenge action picture, it has some nice action sequences and some OK acting the direction is a bit hodge podge and continuity is all over the place but on the whole the main lead character plays it gung ho driven by revenge to kill the one person who in six degrees of separation style he believes killed his beloved fiancee.

Other reviews ask why de Niro and malkovich are in this the answer is who knows what they were thinking, but it's not a bad movie by any means, I'll never look at a nail gun the same way ever again, ouch!

Don't Worry Darling

Don't worry Florence.
I've heard so many things about this movie good and bad so decided to give it two hours of my life.

So what did I just witness I suppose I wanted it to be a stepford wives kind of deal but alas it was much more like Bruce Willis surrogates of sorts kinda scifi but set up in a 1950s utopia.

I must say for all its flaws and there are quite a few, Florence pugh is amazing as the confused Alice. The ensemble cast of Olivia wilde who also directs, singer Harry styles and captain kirk himself Chris pine are all fine in their parts buts it's ultimately the script that let's it down it should have been a bit more creepy I suppose but it failed to do it for me, only pughs acting saves this one and made it watchable. Can I get my two hours back please Olivia wilde?

The Drowning of Arthur Braxton

The crowning of Arthur braxton
Saw this completely by accident on amazon prime and I must say that it is very endearing, part social drama part fantasy watching the Bullied at school Arthur is a hard watch especially when after school he must look after his alcoholic father played by the wonderful Johnny Vegas, Arthur is called to a old run down swimming pool due for demolition and meets the fantastic water nymp delphina.

Their love affair is very engaging, but there is also a dark tone here with the lurking in the shadows 'Mr silver' who sacrifices children to the water gods in return for his lost daughter.

It all pulls together nicely in the end but hoping for a sequel would be foolish, this is a standalone movie in its own right with excellent acting by all concerned especially the Bullied Arthur and rather charming water nymph delphina, all in all a rather lovely movie well worth a look!!

The Age of Adaline

After doing several reviews for imdb lately I felt compelled to do yet another one after watching this sublime romance /time travel story.

Starring the ever lovely blake lively with a wonderful supporting cast including the ever youthful Harrison Ford, we are thrust headlong into the strange story of adaline bowen who after a car crash miraculously stops ageing at the age of 29. We follow adaline through the decades as she navigates loneliness and lost love and a daughter who is now older than her.

Blake livelys performance is quite exquisite a tortured lonely soul moving around every ten years or so after a brush with the FBI some sixty years earlier. Michael huiseman plays her puzzled younger lover she is 107 after all in 2015 when the movie was made.

Harrison Ford plays a old old friend who realises the truth.

A perfect tear jerker that doesn't let go once adaline pulls at our heartstrings. In a word brilliant absolutely brilliant!!


Monarchy anarchy
I wanted so much to like this series being a massive country music fan I thought trace adkins Susan sarandon Anna Friel wow they are going to smash it.

So after watching episode two I've decided I can't watch anymore of this Ill conceived ill researched garbage!

The king and queen of country music( adkins and sarandon) make up the Roman family aswell as siblings two daughters and one son all with major issues.

So OK I was expecting "Nashville" which wasn't giving it a fair go but good lord I miss Connie brittons Rayna James who absolutely wipes the floor with sarandons queen of country! Absolutely laughable, adkins should stick to his day job, Anna Friel wow girl you do scouse much better than your crappy southern drawl, and one last thing, sorry, the continuity and the song miming (no original songs by the way) along with convoluted story lines bah I give up!!


Fall for this one
So ignore the negative reviews for fall and watch it for what it is which is an intense actionish movie.

After losing her husband on her last climbing trip grieving becky and her best friend the extrovert blonde hunter decide to climb a decommissioned TV transmitter in the back of beyond impossibly over 2000 feet tall with a steel ladder running all the way to its peak.. OK so the girls make some serious errors of judgement before and during the climb and the first hour is so intense I found myself trying not to look. If you are a climber or not you may realise the girls may be a little bit out of their depth as they climb the tower.

If you don't like heights and or suffer from vertigo wow this film may not be for you.

The two leads are excellent throughout and there are a couple of curve balls thrown in to err throw you!

A satisfying afternoon movie with a few flaws but hey try not to bite your nails, go on i dare you!

Where the Crawdads Sing

Amazing daisy.
Well this isn't my regular sort of movie being a scifi nerd as I only know daisy Edgar Jones from the scifi series war of the worlds.

After watching the trailer and reading a few good imdb reviews I thought I would take a chance and have a look.

Wow and was I pleasantly suprised, this mystery /love story is exquisitely crafted in flash back form, the story is about Marsh girl(Jones) that lives on her own out in the marshlands of carolina in the USA, everyone Marsh girl played beautifully by the gorgeous daisy Edgar Jones leaves her or hurts her so she lives her life in solitude until two boys comes along, a murder ensues and Marsh girl is arrested for said murder. I'll leave it there for you to enjoy for yourselves.

This movie is beautiful, understated and grabs you and doesn't let you go until the end credits.

The ensemble cast led by the perfect Jones are all excellent and a mention to David strathairn for his excellent portrayal as the backwaters defence attorney.

Perfect just perfect..

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