
IMDb member since September 2005
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    18 years



Country numbness and nepotism
I thought everyone was vetted in America in relation to high positions. Instead, it seems to be only nepotism that moves the great powers of the world. I already knew part of this, and I don't really like the hatchet job this movie seems to be. But if I accept this movie as even a little bit true, America and the media-blob have really done their job. Nepotism rules, even though you feel the disappointment in the movie by Bush Sr.

Why are intellectuals ruled out most of the time? It seems Bush Jr. should be an intellectual, going to Yale and Harvard. But it is just nepotism and connections. Obama is declared to be black, but he is as Norwegian as a Chinese making a child with a Norwegian. He's NOT black. He's an American by nation, he's mixed race by a really black African father, and a white as the moon mother.

Intellectuals with firm rule and a commendable background/history/career should become presidents, not incompetent people like Bush Jr. with a father-complex.

How could the valued US have been so stupid? I guess it's careers, media, ever present debt and other occupiances that kept the personal vetting process at bay.

As a Dutchman, I have always doubted America since the election of Bush Jr.. It became even worse after the election for second term. Like me, many others cherish hope and dignity with intellect from the coming president. I really hope no nepotism was involved this time. Dynasties should keep themselves to series and non-democratic countries. Not the land of opportunity.

I really hope all those people who voted for Bush Jr. were having some kind of episode, otherwise voting rights should be restricted to people who pass some kind of test.

Fair well America, we are counting a little bit more one you than we did the past 8 years.

The Marksman

It's just a terribly acted movie.
OK, I don't hate Snipes or action movies... But this movie is really just crap. The counter players of Snipes (especially his teammates) should be special forces of some kind, but they act as if they just got off college and don't have a clue what they should be doing (even the captain). Snipes seems to be the only capable man and that's just not enough to make a good movie. The only thing that should be good in a movie, acting by professional actors, just is NOT.

So that's why I hated this movie, it's just too lame. Maybe they didn't invest enough time in EVERYTHING.

I don't really want to make more lines dirty and invest more time in reviewing this movie, but I have to because of the possibility of actually posting this. So if you want a good movie, go watch Fight Club or the James Bond series or something like the new Batman Begins. But leave this movie alone. It would be a waste of your time if you are a critical movie watcher. (maybe you just have to be stoned or drunk with some mates to enjoy this movie, or you just have to love terrible movies)

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