• There's only so many times you can repeat the same 'white people so fragile' joke before it gets stale, and The American Society of Magical Negroes forms its entire foundation around it. It says absolutely nothing new or profound about racism, and right from the jump, you know exactly where it's headed. The new recruit, played by Justice Smith, has to tend to a white male who's down on his luck, and he meets an Armenian woman in a coffee shop and falls in love with her. In order to keep the white man happy, the recruit must surrender his feelings in order to make his white client happier, lest he ends up destroying the entire foundation the Society is set upon.

    I was in the auditorium with one other man, and not a single one of us were genuinely entertained by what was going on (the other dude was just messing around on his phone). I ended up walking out an hour in because I knew where it was going and it wasn't going to get any better, and I highly suggest staying as far away from this one as possible.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    One day, I saw the trailer for this movie, and it sure looked a lot like your typical 80s slasher flick, and when I watched the actual movie, that's exactly what I got, except it's a whole lot of fun. The movie revolves around Marty Ratzen, a nerdy kid who is led to the locker room ready to get it on with the most popular girl in school. Unbeknownst to Marty, it turns out to be a mean trick by his classmates. But after an acid prank gone horribly wrong, Marty's face is horribly disfigured and it makes him go completely haywire. Ten years later, Marty sets up a class reunion so he can brutalize each and every one of his classmates.

    One of my favorite deaths in the movie is the one with the naked girl in the bathtub where Marty replaces the tub water with acid, and her skin disintegrates.

    The only real problem I have with the movie is the scene near the ending where Marty has finally gotten revenge on the girl who screwed him over and proclaims he got everyone, but after that, everyone comes back as a zombie, which is kind of stupid.

    But overall, it's a fun 80s slasher flick and a guilty pleasure. I highly recommend it.
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    So, this started off as a pretty good show with a plausible plot; a teenage boy is found dead in a river and the town is finding out who did it. The characters were enjoyable and fun to engage with. But by season 2, the show started to become mediocre, with so many filler episodes that barely relate to the main plot point of the season (that plot point, of course, revolving around the black hood.) We now approach season 3, and wow, did this suck! The season starts where season 2 left off, with Archie on trial being arrested for the murder of Cassidy Bullock. The episode started off fine, until halfway, when it started getting pathetic. Specifically, when Archie pleaded guilty for murdering Bullock. And the ending makes even less sense, as they decided to add a friggin' cult. Bottom line, the characters' motivations made no sense, and the writing for this episode was absolutely atrocious. Offhand, this was really disappointing.
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    If this movie were released today, people would be outraged and call to have this movie banned, especially thinking about how sensitive this generation is. Anyways, "Soul Man" is about a college aged white male named Mark who dresses up in black face in order to attend Harvard Law School. Once immersed in a black student's life, Mark finds that people are less lenient than he imagined and more prone to see him as a black person instead of a fellow student. He meets a young African-American student named Sarah Walker, whom he first only flirts with; gradually, however, he genuinely falls in love with her. As it turns out, she was the original candidate for the scholarship which he had usurped, and now she has to work hard as a waitress to support herself and her son George while studying. Slowly, Mark begins to regret his deed, and after a chaotic day-in which Sarah, his parents (who are not aware of his double life) and his classmate Whitney, who is also his landlord's daughter, make surprise visits at the same time-he drops the charade and openly reveals himself to be white.

    C. Thomas Howell's acting is pretty good in this. I found the chemistry between C. Thomas Howell and Rae Chong Dawn very convincing. James Earl Jones' acting was very good. And Leslie Nielsen as Whitney's father was also pretty funny.

    Overall, Soul Man has a John Hughes-esque feel to it, and is up there with Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Weird Science. If you aren't easily offended, I recommend you check this out.
  • If you're planning on watching this movie, watch at your own risk, because it is *painful* to sit through. The film involves a vengeful wizard who curses a princess to exist as a swan by day until her prince declares his undying love, which is the blandest story line I've ever heard of. The plot is generic. The characters are bland. The main character looks exactly like Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. And the songs are insipid. The voice acting straight up sucks. By all means, stay as far away from this movie as humanly possible.
  • Have you seen Zootopia? Have you seen American Idol? If you answered "yes" to both of these questions, then you've seen Sing. Sing revolves around a bunch of animals who enter a singing competition to win $100,000. Although there were a couple scenes I thought that were funny, the movie is not creative or original. It is only around to make money. The characters are stereotypes that everyone can basically relate to. The character designs are too simplistic. The message of the movie is also simplistic. This entire movie is insipid, bland, boring, unoriginal, manipulative, and jumps around from plot point to plot point. Definitely find a movie better than this.
  • I was real surprised with what I saw in La La Land. The movie revolves around Mia, a coffee shop barista who aspires to be an actress, and Sebastian, a dedicated jazz musician, trying to make ends meet while pursuing their dreams in a city known for destroying hopes and breaking hearts. With modern day L.A. as the backdrop, this musical about everyday life explores what is more important: a once-in-a-lifetime love or the spotlight. Everything in this movie is perfect. The songs are amazing, the chemistry between Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling is wonderful, and the story is excellent. I recommend that you check this one out. Definitely worth your time.
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    The movie is about an ex-con named Ray Gleason (played by Ted Danson), who plans to steal millions of dollars in rare coins, along with his two cronies Carl and Bob (played by Saul Rubinek and Gailard Sartain. Their plan is thwarted when his sister drops off his son named Timmy (played by Macaulay Culkin). He hides the coins somewhere his father won't find them. He agrees to tell them where the coins are on one condition: if they take him places for a week. But a female cop named Teresa (played by Glenne Headly) goes undercover to find out what Gleason is doing. And she falls for him. On the other hand, the cronies decide to find the rare coins themselves. And of course, they fail. Near the end, Gleason finds the bag in a bus locker, which turned out to have pennies in it, but still gets arrested, along with Carl, and Bob got off scot-free. And the bag with the real coins got retrieved by Teresa in a mall. To be honest, it's not so bad. It's not a perfect movie, but it's great entertainment.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I recently watched this movie on Netflix two days ago, and I was NOT satisfied. The movie is about a deadbeat father who takes his family on an RV trip for a week just for business. The characters are just flat out unlikable, especially this stereotypical Texan family who gives the Brady Bunch a bad name. The father even ditches his family in the woods just to get to a business meeting. That is one of the most mean spirited moments in cinema history. The jokes are unfunny. Who in the blue hell finds human feces being dumped on a man funny? I felt completely unclean watching this movie to a point where I had to wash my hands after I finished watching it. Most of the people in this movie have made better movies than this and are really talented. And that's really sad seeing them waste their talent like this. By all means, don't watch this movie. It is just the worst movie of all time.