
IMDb member since September 2005
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Me and You and Everyone We Know

Moving, funny and warm or how cynicism is disarmed
A lot of reviewers complain about the lack of a plot in this movie. Does live have a plot? If this film had a plot it would have to be something like the truly horrible movie Magnolia, full of symbolism and spiritual fraud. No, Me and You is free of all this nonsense. It has a beautiful pace, implicit visual rhyme (not too obvious, I mean) and an atmosphere of honesty and love for the characters. The scenes are all very well done, it shows us the mixture of failure, silliness, longing, despair, daring and kindness etc that make up life. The dialogues are not very good, and the characters are rather flat, that's why I give it an 8 and not a nine. This film stands out, it's very true to life and intimate at the same time. Rarely saw an American film that captures the small things without making a big fuzz out of them and without distorting real life scenes by neutering it to pass the censor. I fail to understand why Americans think kids can see violence and play in violent movies, but as soon as sexuality (ie growing up!) is a theme, people find it appalling. The chat-session seemed very realistic and non-shocking to me. Children do stumble in these things the way it was shown. Nothing happened. The other boy was older and, hey, that's the way sex starts. Stupid, innocent, for reasons that seem logical at the time when you're a teenager. That doesn't make it bad.

Edge of Seventeen

just plain awful and boring
Flat characters, cheap use of music to get a nostalgic effect, clichés all over, no plausible developments, no tension building up. It's all decor and superficial. And incoherent to that. The list goes on and on. It's a redo of intelligent and successful European flicks put in American surroundings. But all plastic and jaded. Bad and flat acting. Do not watch this. There are much better coming of age movies. BEAUTIFUL THING might be a romance it's actually more realistic and has much more depth of character and intensity and coherence in the story. Societal stuff is also better and more comprehensibly (sometimes symbolic) interwoven in the story of BT. Although I didn't like GET REAL much for its preaching, I think even that movie is better than Edge of Seventeen; and better to understand (language) for American audiences than BT.

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