
IMDb member since January 2017
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Trespass Against Us

Very good - but you might need subtitles
Fassbender is a good actor as is Brendan Gleeson and the story is a good one.

It is hard to understand what they say & i am Scottish!! It's all gypo ( gypsie) talk and anyone from anywhere else other than the UK is going to have a hard time with this - subtitles needed :)

The story is a well trodden one - where the main character wants to change his life but is enmeshed in the culture he was brought up in and it's taking him down.

Some good car chases - even through fields!! Someone said it has no redeeming qualities but ultimately it's not Hollywood and there are no happy endings. A good gritty story with tension and a fair bit of action - food character study - Fassbender does a good job here.

Complete Unknown

Bit boring
Love Michael Shannon but this movie goes nowhere fast......just OK.

Weisz is the dark beauty but the role is a weird one and it just meanders along until the end.

Check Shannon out in Frank and Lola - there he has the menace and tenderness that he pulls of so well.

In this role he doesn't have much to work with.

There is a dark brooding quality that he seems to manifest. Really minor movie - disappointing.

How did she become a frog expert and so highly regarded by her fellow workers - weird

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