
IMDb member since January 2017
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    7 years


First They Killed My Father

From a family that survived the killing fields
I watched this movie with my father who was a little older than Loung when the Khmer Rouge started putting people in camps. My father said this movie was a more accurate portrayal of what he and his family went through during this time. The movie is an accurate portrayal of what the children went through. Everything they dealt with, from the time the Americans invaded to the time the camps were created and the Khmer Rouge started murdering people. My mother too survived the killing fields as a child but she lost her father to the Khmer Rouge execution. There are a lot of critic reviews saying the move isn't good like the killing fields. Take it from the daughter of two survivors, this movie helped me see what my parents went though, the fight they had to put up to survive and the detestation for those who did not.

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