
IMDb member since January 2017
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    7 years


The Ice Road

It gave me my Liam neeson fix
Everyone is so fast to put down this movie but honestly I found it very gripping. I was on the edge of my seat gasping at most of the movie. Did it have some poor cgi moments yes. But, it makes you think if mining companies actually pull this kind of thing. However that aside, we knew there would be deaths and betrayal. Liam has kind of a pattern with movies but I loved this movie to be honest despite some of its flaws but so do so many other movies. If you want a movie that doesn't take any real thinking but something that will keep you interested it's worth the watch.

All I See Is You

Good movie but a slight disappointment
The movie starts out relatively interesting. TThe storyline is good but the ending was very abrupt. As soon as the credits started rolling i was just kinda like wait...what? And I hate that about movies. Based on the reviews I wasn't expecting something out of this world and before even in starting the movie I exptected thw problem of the movie to be the end in which I was right. I feel like this was just a money filler for the both of these main actors. The movie had my undivided attention but ultimately the ending could have been done differently...

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