
IMDb member since January 2017
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Almost Adults

Poorly thought out, hurriedly shot.
This could have been a reasonably entertaining movie, if the scenes had been rehearsed more and if the director had gotten the right tone. But we are left with, for instance, cringy scenes where the actors don't know what to do with their hands while speaking, and the director keeps their awkwardness in frame. Halting lines delivered with entirely wrong emphasis. Some of the premises were not believable -- if the young lesbian had spent so much time watching lesbian porn, as shown, she surely would have had a better grasp of some basic moves. And the idea that her best friend did not know was too farfetched. The film had heart, but it needed a director who could perceive how weak the shots were, and it needed a scriptwriter who could fix the obvious flaws. This movie is better than a "class project" level of competence, but only just. There is not a single moment of brilliance or hilarity. Yet, it's sort of worth watching, if you're determined to watch EVERY lesbian movie you can find.

To the Stars

Nothing wrong with this film!
This is a wonderful period drama, set in the mid-fifties in a small town in Oklahoma. While on the surface it seems to be a typical rehash of young gay girl trying to find self esteem amidst intolerance and shame, it's just as much a reminder of the experience too many of us have had, that childhood friend we had once that we were so, so close to, that formed a question mark in our memory the rest of our lives. The ending is fine, and most of the reviews on this site seem to be by people whose ability to pay attention to the details is limited. For another film which explores this see "Porcupine Lake" (2017). You don't need to be gay to relate to either one.

Avengers: Endgame

Time Travel is the ultimate Deus Ex Machina
Say goodbye to any semblance of a plot which is tied to character. This is not it. Bad writing and concept, probably born of corporate and committee-led "creation teams" has made these movies not into entertainment but just more fan service. When outrageous plot developments have no consequences because they can just be "undone" with time travel, the writers have no incentive to connect characters to decisions which permanently affect plot. The result is an empty but spectacular show full of glitter, movement, and noise. This is fine if that's what you wanted to see, but this is not a film about characters, despite its shallow attempts to bring it in for this or that moment (again, reversing all those character traits at a moments notice when it's convenient). It's disturbing to see fans rating this with 10's and "best film ever". One wonders if any kind of story is necessary at all to get the "Wow" reaction. Still, I applaud the filmmaker's efforts to add enough time to spotlight some of the characters, even if those efforts are in the end, transitory and a character mirage, to be forgotten, so that the big reset can take place. In this at least it is true to comics, and in that sense, this is a typical bit of bad comic plotting converted into film, so if praise is deserved for being true to mediocrity, at least they earned their 10/10 in that respect. Marvel movies are to film what Professional Wrestling is to the Olympics -- corrupt, shallow, and based on cheap thrills -- and worth watching only if that's what you came to see.

Troy: Fall of a City

NOT a disaster. Just a rushed, clumsy adaptation. Watch it.
I was shocked at the outright racism in the remarks in a few of these reviews. If a black man can play in Macbeth, why can't he play in the Iliad? THIS IS A POEM set to film. For goodness sake. Yes, anachronisms galore, and some disappointing compromises in the adaptation. I was pleased to see that the gods and goddesses really did play a key part in the story, unlike the famous film where they were nowhere to be seen. Watch 3 episodes. Remember, this is already a poem based on a legend based on a battle that was barely remembered by those who repeated the story. Today, we can repeat the story again, in our own way. I wish it could have been better quality, and I wish they'd hired at least one expert on the classics to proofread the script, but is this a one star show? Of course not.

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