Reviews (4)

  • Its pure escapism and we all need a bit of that sometimes. I don't get why everyone wants tv dramas to be so realistic all the time. A bit of far fetched does you good. There are some brilliant actors in this, Best, Challenor and Mills are great to watch in anything anyway but the storyline is interesting and takes a few twists and turns. The sideline characters had to want becomes a very complex plot and it keeps you guessing who is telling the truth. In parts it could very well happen in real life but yes there are minor inaccuracies and loopholes because it's fiction. Watch it for entertainment value and it will deliver. If you want reality watch a documentary.
  • This is like an evening at a restaurant that has been highly recommended. You check it out online in advance and note the assertion of high quality ingredients. So you book, get ready and go there only to find the place actually looks a little shabby, cheap even. Still you dont want to judge so soon so you commit to going in but then discover they are short staffed and half the menu is unavailable. You get served a bland appetiser, skip the main course (unavailable) and then get a rushed out average dessert with the bill coming at the same time.

    Expectations are unmet, your time feels wasted and your experience is not one you wish to repeat. You'll be sorry you bothered.
  • 15 February 2021
    I watched this film with great expectations having read the reviews. I've given it the five stars purely because of the calibre of actors and because the film does create a good atmosphere. However the ending and explanation of the storyline is utterly ridiculous. Up to this point it was believable as this type of film goes but it suddenly stoops into the realms of stupidity. Now I can't believe that I was the stupid one for paying to rent it and I can't fathom for the life of me why Toni Collette signed up for this. Oh and for everybody here saying it's terrifying I watched it on my own during uK's Covid lockdown. Would I watch it again, he'll no. but for all the wrong reasons.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A good movie with good casting. Any mother will tell you they can't imagine the anguish of their child going missing and hope to never have to experience it. This movie lets you understand the mothers experience and desperation to be reunited with her beloved daughter and the lengths some people will go to manipulate those in such a vulnerable position as this mother. I think people can expect too much from a TV movie of which this movie is a prime example. For me they are perfect entertainment in the home for when I'm on my own and just want to step out of my own life and lose myself in someone else's for a few hours.