
IMDb member since September 2005
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    18 years


Gears of War

If you own an XBOX 360, you are lost without Gears until you buy it!
I am not a major gamer, but when I heard about Gears of War and that it is better than the Halo series, I bought it. The graphics were superb, the music was outstanding and matched the game-play. WOWOWOWOW the game-play! Freakin' amazing weapons.... the chainsaw gun..... the Hammer of Dawn! Gears of War is a game that will be a classic. The actual storyline is a bit too short, but the nice thing is that once you beat the game, you can play again on harder levels. Gears is the most addictive game i have ever played other than Guitar Hero II. Even if you die in the game, you'll want to jump back into the action.

I would give this game 9 1/5 out of 10 and if you would like more information or help please look at my comment board

King Kong

Spectacular, Amazing, and Cool!
For the 3 1/2 hour movie, I was very pleased with the action and excitement that was shown on screen. I thought that Jack Black did an excellent job with acting in a movie that's not a comedy. Naomi Watts... she was great but to be honest, any good looking blond female could play her part. King Kong looked very real, and the animation was a huge improvement from the 1930's and 1970's King Kongs. The music went very well with what was occurring in the movie. The set for Skull Island (where King Kong and the dinosaurs live) was spetacular. I did think though that the director could have cut out some scenes. There were scenes that made King Kong too long, and were kind of repetitive or boring. It took about 45 minutes in the movie for Jack and his crew to actually get to Skull Island, but hey what do you expect for such a long movie?

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