
IMDb member since February 2017
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About Fate

wonderful heart felt film
Roberts is a really good actor who seems to get better as time passes. The film was light hearted without vulgarity nudity with a half decent storyline. Nowadays it's almost impossible finding anything even partly worth watching so this was pleasant. All the characters did a good job. It's more of a 7 than a 10 yet gets the high score due to the unfair rating on here. The story was actually interesting as you initially get the feeling that it's been done before yet then your pleasantly suprised. It also doesn't have the typical cliches most romance films have which gave it a nice twist. Watch for a cool sweet romance to make you smile.

On the Other Foot

Loved it
This was so god I just HAD to write a review. It's the kind of film that you'll either hate or love. Being black in the UK is a start on the road to loving this, otherwise everything will go stright over your head. We have to have a staunch belief in who we are to be able to relate, recognise and empathise with the seriousness and the incredulous humour one can't help but laugh about. This also geared towards the older gen...millenials would most probably take offence to it, not being able to understand it.

Svart krabba

Beyond Brill!
I can barely remember the last time I've left a review yet this film deserved it. Rapace is a sensational actress. The film was thrilling, suspenseful and captivating. This is a def must watch.

National Champions

This was brill!
I had to write a review as this was refreshing during a time when finding anything worth while watching is difficult nowadys. Sure i could have been sharpened along the edges yet it was really good!


Heartfelt & beautiful
A rare gem of a film about life, challenges & most importantly: Family. Almost everything nowadays is about division so getting a rare gem about family is refreshing in a way words can't describe. A definite must watch for anyone with heart.

The Ice Road

A solid 8 that gets an additional 2 stars due to unfaiir reviews..
This was brilliant from start to finish. Spot on acting, brll storyline, nonstop action sure it was over the top yet compared to the drivel we're subjected to these days it's a masterpiece in comparison. Really enjoyed it.


This was soooo gooooooooood
At a time when almost everything is rubbish, this was fun to watch, sure slightly predictable yet with sweet & surprising twists...this was a good action film. Did it have some parts that were'nt great? sure yet the whole of the movie was good enough to make up for them.

Penguin Bloom

This hit all the right spots...a modern classic
Watching this touched my heart in a way a film hasn't in a very long time. Do yourself a favour & watch it.

I'm Your Woman

An underrated masterpiece
This was so good, it had me on the edge of my seat throughout. If you want a rare piece of acting then do yourself a favour and watch this beauty.

Love and Monsters

sequel yes yes please!
This was so so fun, entertaining, funny and most importantly clean! No nasty stuff just plain good'ol monsters a lil emotion & love mixed in, it was brilliant! Would love the 2nd version.


And why'o why have I never hear of this little gem before??
This was more of a solid 8 for me yet due to the incredibly unfair low rating it had to get a 10. It was utterly captivating from start to finish, what's more the way the film was put together gave it an awesome 'original' feel with a storyline which too many films today lack. It was actually so good it comes almost close to the likes of wallace&gromit in wrong trousers. fantatic mr fox...just a good all round funny fun family film. There were aspects that should have been scrapped yet getting something watchable is a stretch & nothing's perfect. Do yourself a favour and watch this if you haven't already if you enjoy family fun films.

Made in Italy

This is 7 with a bonus point due to the unfair reviews
This was so beautiful, slow, unremarkable, simple, plain, absolutely lovely for anyone who enjoys what's real for those descriptions couldn't describe real life more. Well worth the watch.

Fatal Affair

A solid thriller
This was really really good, especially for a black film the number of good black films are so rare that finding one that's a good watch MUST be noted. It was considerably clean, good acting, suspense, story. The low raters are simple haters. Def give this a shot. Would like more like this, even better.

Gnome Alone

This was good
There have been a lot worst cartoon fimls mae, it was enjoyable, sure could have been loads better yet the few funny parts and the overall watch was def alright.

Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs

I really enjoyed this...
Ironically it was pretty cringe worthy yet somehow got better as the film progressed. It was differen't and cliche at the same time.

My Spy

sO Close to perfection!!
This was awesome on every level sure there were the usual cringes and 'unacceptable' parts yet it was mostly hilarious wonderful good family fun. A foreign concept in this day'n age. Do yourself a favour and ENJOY IT!

Spies in Disguise

Nudity, Promotion of child insecurities+all forms of violence....YAY!!!
This was a BRILLIANT family/child friendly animated film!


Welcome to 2020.

No further comment.

Jumanji: The Next Level

YES!!! it gets a 10 despite it being more of a 7/8 as rarely anyone comes close to getting it right anymore. sure there was some cliches & silliness yet it made me laugh wasn't boring and was close to family friendly for once. A def watch for a laugh & goofy action. Not to mention Matilda and Lethal weapon actors! C'mon they were brill! talk about a lil nostalgia in a good way.... With a mix of Jack Black & the new akwafina who always seems to steal the show whilst making it look effortless.

Dragonheart: Vengeance

This was so fun, mild, entertaining and such a good watch I'm so glad i watched it the trailor did it no justice!


A gem of a film
This was NOT comedy as it was classed as being it was LIFE! the good, the bad, a few cliches to make it film worthy and an all round wonderful film. The father son bond was awesome, and the work put into it was clear as day. I'd been putting off watching it for a while, so glad i finally did! It's more an 8 then 10 yet as true film makers are almost non existent nowadays it's a def 10 compared to the now projected as 'film'. very good film.

Dark Waters

This hit so close to home
I started wtahcing this thinking it was a re-copy of erin Brokovich or whatever that film was called a good with Julia Roberts yet it was so much better. The scary thing about this film is I was so off course with what I thought it'd be about. The really terrible truth though it that things like this actually happened and not only in the west. Within my family there was a year i think it was probably in the 1930-1940's in Dominica, the Caribbean, there was a year where all the pregnant mothers were put on some experimental drug that caused complications with their pregnancies and the children born that year had mental and possibly physical defects. my grandmothers' niece was one of them and it has also had an affect on her children. The worst thing about this is it affects human lives too often without their knowledge till it's too late. And the kicker is how nothing happens to the devils perpetrating these deeds. The world keeps going round. In time they always get what's coming to them even if it be in the next life, it's still very painful and life changing to witness. This one hit too close to home for comfort yet needed to be done/seen. Yes this is a recommended watch.


Everything an imaginative film is meant to be. Sure there was the usual symolism that should be avoided other than that if you enjoy fantasy & have aleast half a brain that gets used then go & watch it.

Motherless Brooklyn

Rare gem that we no longer see the likes of in this day'n age. Can we have more please. Thank you.

Black and Blue

A rare Solid black film that's a gem
This was so on point it blew me away, solid acting, action, suspense, all around brilliant film. If you enjoy action with decent plots then go watch it.

Gemini Man

A good decent film.
Relax, don't take yourself too seriously, shrug off the blatant o please moments and enjoy the action! It was a solid 7 it wasn't really great why it isn't an 8. If you like action, have atleast half a brain then put it on, watch it especially if there isn't anything else to watch then allow yourself the pleasure of an ok good film.

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