
IMDb member since February 2017
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The End Is Nye

More please!!
Really loved this show! The simulations are cheesy and full on corny at times, but shows some very cool things!! It's not junk science or propaganda, or "woke" garbage or anything like that, it's entertaining and the science is sound and cool! We need to change our society or we are doomed!! Edutainment at its best as always with Bill Nye, and probably the best thing to come from Seth Macfarlane for a very long time!! Need more of this show, and maybe even touch on man made possible endings!! I don't get the people who left bad reviews on here, they obviously did not watch this show at all!! It is a must watch for any science lover!

UFO Witness

Typical us V. them BS
Ugh. So tired of the USA mentality of "It's us versus them!! Yee haw!!" Just beause aliens might be real it doesn't mean they would act the same way humans do, pretty sure if they've achieved FTL technology their probably also light years ahead in their brain functions. This show just keeps the cycle of aliens being bad guys going and it's pretty tiresome. Maybe try some originality once in a while.

The Orville

Meh, used to be better.
Should have kept to its goofy comedy roots. Season 3 is trying to be to serious and it misses the mark. Don't think the cast has the skills to make it believable.

Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified

Some of the bs these people come up with should have them put in a institute! And the animated recreations are some serious low budget trash.

Forged in Fire: Knife or Death

Just meh
Would be a better show if it wasnt so wasteful with food, especially when its easy enough to use substitutes of some kind. Make me annoyed to the point where I just stopped watching it.

Robin Hood

Just a confused mess.
This movie was trying to mix modern and medieval into one horrible abomination. Feel bad for anyone who went to the theater and actually paid anything to see this.


Please make it stop.
This show wouldnt have made it past the pilot episode if it wasnt piggybacking off the name of the original. No way this comes back for a second season.

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