
IMDb member since February 2017
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    IMDb Member
    7 years


The Summoning

Amazingly Bad - Acting, Effects, Story Line, You Name It
This movie has to be a joke. Someone made a bet that people would pay to watch something this horrible. The characters were as predictable as a Scooby Doo episode. From clueless cute girl to the old warehouse care taker (I'm not kidding, there is a care taker). They didn't spend money on a writer or actors so you would think that they would have some special effects. The 'ghost' interactions were shadows on the wall, pots being pushed on of tables and lights flickering. I had to stop watching after 45 minutes. I really wanted to see how bad it could get be I could feel myself getting dumber and by the end I wouldn't be able to work my computer mouse. After reading the only other truthful review, I know I haven't missed any great plot twists.

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