
IMDb member since September 2005
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    IMDb Member
    18 years


A Month in the Country

A true gem
This is a true gem of a film. Only those however who have an empathy for the destruction of World War One, and a sensitivity about how moving religious themes can be, will really appreciate the aspects of the film which make it timeless. It is deliberately slow and careful in its pace, and the contrasts between Church and Chapel, working and upper class, and social mobility makes it a film I have always found very moving. The use of the Schubert Mass as a musical backdrop at key points emphasises the cathartic journey Birkin makes. Indeed, his visit to the church as an old man demonstrates the way he has been cleansed of the mud of Flanders.


Nasty Nazis are just beneath the surface
A great story, which combines twisted plots, chase scenes and the deadly combination of history and the present. One is utterly compelled to wonder exactly how fictional this story is, and also how such an organisation could operate beneath the veneer of respectability. There is no doubt that the motives of all the chief characters are distinct, and the plot forces one to watch as Muller tries to break into the seemingly impenetrable organisation. His journey to find the answers he is looking for, and all due to stopping on the side of the road for a couple of minutes to listen to the radio makes one also wonder what else is out there that should be revealed, but due to cover ups and apathy hasn't been!

Where Eagles Dare

All action in the Austrian Alps
This is one of the few films that I could see again and again. From the stirring music at the beginning with the aircraft seemingly appearing from nowhere, to the climactic bus drive to the airport, the story is compelling. The twists in the plot, and the sheer audacity of the operation is a joy to behold. Occasionally one has to suspend belief (the fortunate escape from the car on the way to interrogation is a good example), but the setting of the scenes, and the destruction that two men cause is highly enjoyable. One is able to forget just for a few hours the stresses of reality, and when the film finishes one almost could rewind and start all over again!!

The final declaration of the double agent, and the length to which he was driven out of hiding makes this film a real winner. Having the screenplay written by the author is I feel a testament to the book, and even if Richard Burton can be slightly "sleepy" in some scenes, it is a role that I would like to have had!

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