
IMDb member since March 2017
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Imaginary Mary

I just watched the first episode and I loved it
I will say that I have been looking forward to seeing the show sense the commercial aired for it and I was impressed with what I got from it I loved it I Laughed out loud at moments as did my family I really appreciate the try from abc to make a difference type of show never had been done before but on the minus Side of things I didn't see why Mary herself had to be so questionable at times my siblings and I all found her naughtiness hilarious but I don't think that it is a good idea to let smaller kids watch i could just imagine the horror of parents with young children during a couple of scenes but I am not going to give it a bad review cause it is hilarious and heartwarming just gotta watch it with the family if you have very little kids and here's a little bit of the plot in case you have any questions . This girl has a imaginary friend when she is a little girl and she is now dating a guy who has children and the um special friend appears back in her life and causes hilarious trouble and only she can see her. I highly recommend that you watch the show just use caution when you are watching this show with extra small children

Beauty and the Beast

I loved the movie
I walked in to the theater to see beauty and the beast expecting a little bit different from the story i grew up with but here's what I didn't expect I didn't expect to love it As much or more than the original movie i was taping my toes in the theater to every song Sang it was a good time and super fun at the movies and um the people who are not seeing the movie due to the.supposed gay moment.please I beg of you reconsider your decision and go see it I loved the lovely Emma Watson as Bell and also the gay moment seemed to be more during the Gaston song in my opinion yes lefo did dance with a man who is seemed to be transgender but the Gaston song was more intense however I am going to say that you should take the family to see the movie it's clearly not to be missed

Trial & Error

I did a trial and there seems to be little error
I watched the premiere of the show and I will tell you that I have not received a good laugh like this at least in a few months from NBC this is definitely not for those who don't get comedy and are not looking to laugh at the show but it is a very good time for the required audience and I will be watching this show for awhile at least John Lithgow is a good fun to watch guy who is just trying to clean up the caious that has just entered into his life and prove his innocence of not killing his wife It is quite a bit more than one Senior citizen can handle this is a very bad situation but a funny story and the cast of it is hilarious i say watch it it's on Tuesday at 10

Kong: Skull Island

Not as good as Logan but still great
I went to see the movie A week after seeing Logan and I will say that I don't think I enjoyed it as much as Logan but it was a great time in the theater and action packed with suspense it's a good idea to see the movie i enjoyed it the laughs yes I said laughs I will probably be seeing it again and I will give you a word of advice due to seeing a family have to walk away from the movie the movie is very violent and aggressive and even language isn't the cleanest and I will remind people who are interested in taking the family that it is rated pg13 for a few reasons scares violence and language even disrespecting animals territory though you may not see it as this it's exactly what it is but I say go see it you won't be sorry

Time After Time

Oh my god I hate it when a good show gets such bad reviews
I will say that I am not usually one to appreciate the shows about history or really anything to do with history for that matter but I have to say that I have been watching this show and loving it just seems like it is more fun than learning yes I know that.jack. was a terrible terrible man who is now dead but he makes a hell of a villain for this type of thing I think people can do much worse than watching this show it is a good time and super fun and exciting that is why I tune in to it every week and enjoy it more as it goes on Sunday is now funday and after going to church I catch up on my guilty pleasure which is this I say watch it

This Is Us

This is life this is realistic this is funny and sweet and dramatic this is us
I will say that I don't watch the show often due to having missed so many episodes but I gotta be honest I loved what I have seen from the show its very reliable to life even the tweens are realistic and applaudable the overweight couple are my favorite part due to struggling with weight loss myself and the grandpa in the black family is a very wonderful man who is just trying to get the gest of having a true family if you are going to let tweens watch it you will need to watch with them due to certain types of content but it is also relatable to tweens so they might Learn about life as will you please give the show a chance to win you over

Making History

Im just glad to get read of son of Zorn
I will say that I have been watching this show it has its shining moments and memorable quotes I have grown to love the team and the battles they face with humor I love dr Chris he is hilarious and this is a much needed replacement for the awful son of Zorn yea this might be Corny but come on the other show all around sucked and it was just a extremely sorry excuse of how fox can create anything and people will buy it for awhile but this is a breath of fresh air maybe not by much for some but it is a very good try at what it is supposed to make people do which is language if you don't have a sense of humor this is not the show for you if you find comedy to be ridiculous this is a show u will be skipping but if you have a good sense of humor and want to get some laughs this could be the show your looking for i recommend that you watch it

People of Earth

Need to monitor the show for kids
I will say that I can get all the good reviews on the show it is great and humorous no doubt about it this is one great and hilarious little show but however the content of the show is very unpredictable and can go from mild language and sex jokes to constant swearing and sexual side involving humans having sex with aliens and near constant use of the word it all depends on the episode and on the maturity of the family that is viewing the older the better however it is a terrific time for any one who is mature enough to handle it and appreciate it you will have a great time and enjoy it truly is a genius of a show


Most likely the best action show on fx
I only watched this in the beginning because I am a huge x men fan but the more I watch it the more I appreciate it for what it is a very good and super fun action and adventure ride with suspense packed as well it's truly a one of a kind show regarding the fact that no one can be quite like legion the cast and heros are excellent to watch the humor from aubri plasma is awesome as well I have to say that I recommend that you watch this just make sure you have the kiddos tucked in early this isn't quite right for them the swearing and violence and sexual content.nudity . Is far too extreme for your younger set but I don't think that it is a show I would miss It is really nice


There will be no man who can play wolverine besides Hugh Jackman
I will say that I went to see this movie aside from terrible reviews about the content of the movie and yes it was a little bit over the edge of content but I truly loved the movie and was sad that I had to leave early to get my car from the shop I got to hand it to Jackman he went out with a bang like no one else can I loved the supporting characters in the movie too I really liked the young girl she was very pretty and well acted she was as much of a powerhouse as Logan was I don't recommend you taking the family though it is rated R for a few good reasons . The violence and constant swearing and drinking from our own hero and the very brief nude scene in it however for 16 and over I say go see it you will enjoy it trust me


Not as funny as it looked but cute
I tooned in to this show thinking from the previews of it that I was going to watch a funny heartwarming comedy show that will have me rolling out of my seat laughing due to the hilarity of the commercial however the actual show is more of a dramatic change on what I saw in the trailer however I did enjoy the show and I will watch next week to see For sure just how much I actually like it and I will be able to make a better decision on it then I absolutely would recommend it as of now yea it has a lot of swearing and yelling and bad examples but it seems to be a good time for mature audiences and over I say go watch it make your own decision on whether you like it or not but I am going to say that I did

Little Big Shots

I love Harvey and the kids
I have been wanting for the return of this show I am a huge fan of Steve Harvey and the kids are very interesting to see as well it's quite a lot of a treat to watch a show with little or no cursing and yelling lots of laughs and just a all around good time yes some may say that the show is childish and boring and just not right but those people are no fun and need to be more open to the idea of shows like this for the ENTIRE FAMILY yes I said ENTIRE FAMILY just some very mild language from Harvey but it is not often and the kids are amazing it is truly a great time with the family and friends not for someone who doesn't enjoy having a good time but that is about it second season starts tonight at 8 please watch this u will be amazed by how much fun it is to watch

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