
IMDb member since October 2005
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Your Highness

Skip this movie the All Star team is undone by bad writing
Truly poor and tasteless writing completely unsaveable by a high quality cast. In fact I am surprised the cast didn't recognize the bad writing and bail out before it was completed. Another great failure was the villain, not only poorly written and poorly acted he never at any point seemed like a real threat to heroes or kingdom. How can protagonists be portrayed as truly great if their antagonists are mediocre? The real disappointment is that you get a sense of where the directors and writers wanted to go (a spoof of heroic fantasy) but because the writers insisted on contriving situations to employ their bad jokes and supposedly "shocking" language everything fell flat.

100 Questions

Mediocre copy
Wow how sad, they stole the characters from "Friends" and the premise from "How I meet your Mother" threw in some really less than average writing and no one is surprised that we got this mess. Which is a real shame because Michael Benjamin Washington, Sophie Winklemen, and Kelen Coleman are all very talented comedic actors. Any number of original decisions could have rescued this sitcom. Original characters, an ensemble of actors that included more than three with talent, deleting the laugh track, (ever notice how the louder the laugh track the worse the show?).

I want to agree with the folks who liked this show. I can see how the show could be funny, but it is going to take a lot of fixing. I would start by getting writers who can translate funny ideas into funny words then replacing "Joey" and "Chandler" the actors and the characters.

Mamma Mia!

Really fun and Worth the price of admission
We really enjoyed this film because we are big fans of ABBA, Mamma Mia, Meryl Streep, Colin Firth, Julie Waters, Christine Baranski and Pierce Brosnan. The dancing and acting was top notch, but as expected the bride and groom, and MS Baranski were by far the best singers. No one really expected the rest of the cast to be professional singers. The older generation was a bit too old to fit the story line and it was probably a mistake to mention the internet in one scene and then show pictures of a hippy past in the next. But the beauty of Mamma Mia is that the quality of the music is such that the next door neighbors could perform it and the audience would still be dancing in the aisles.

The stand out character in this film (aside from the Music) was of course the Greek Isles and the Blue Med. The location and the cinematography was FANTASTIC.

You need to see this movie in the theater with big screen and the high quality sound system. It was a lot of fun.

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