Reviews (7)

  • Leon the profession is a terrific character study, surrounded bu a rich world and brilliant plot. This movie showcases Portman's incredible acting skills from a very young age. French writer-director Luc Besson keeps the audience engaged with his signature directing style that encapsulates this movie. It is funny, tragic and simply unforgettable. This movie inspired my love cinema and I hope that others enjoy it. 10/10
  • I approached The Big Sick with no knowledge of the plot save for the fact that it was Romantic Comedy/ Drama. I knew nothing of the cast, setting or director. I approached this movie with mild expectations, a friend had recommend it but it didn't look like a movie I'd enjoy. So when I found myself laughing uncontrollably at three in the morning trying not to wake my family I was pleasantly surprised. This movie will touch you. You will experience a wide array of emotions from joy and laughter to real sadness and tears. They're were moments in this movie that I found myself holding my breath , white-knuckling it as intense emotion fueled scenes unfolded. Kumail Nanjiani and Zoe Kazan both give terrific performances and I cannot praise the authentic feel of their relationship. Overall I loved this movie, it is without a doubt in my top 5 movies of 2017. if you haven't already seen this movie I highly recommend it, even if you generally aren't a fan of this genre of film.
  • John Wick might be Keanu Reeve's best movie in years. a stylish revenge movie that grabs your heart and attention in the first few minutes and hold you on the edge of your seat for the following ninety. The action in this movie is beautifully choreographed and very satisfying. This is a must see movies for any fan of action movies such as the original Taken or Collateral. IT was my favorite movie of 2014 and I have to give it 9/10. I love this movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I went into this movie expecting a 'dark story'. I remember reading that it 'darker then Empire'. It is not. This movie is a very light movie with few if any truly dark moments. There were too many jokes taking away from otherwise serious scenes which I felt hurt this movie overall. But this is not to say that this is a bad movie, just not what I expected. It is a very enjoyable if you are looking for a fun movie that can watched with all audiences. I cannot help but compare it to a marvel movie - light, fun and accessible to everyone but missing depth in some areas. Overall I believe that some of the terrible reviews that this movie is facing are completely unwarranted. It is visually stunning and a great addition to the star wars universe. Just don't go into this expecting something like Empire.
  • The Punisher for me is almost perfect. The action in this show is amazing! Most of the characters are developed excellently and given interesting arcs.There are a few side characters who I felt held the show back and were overly dull, but as soon as we got back to Castle (Jon Bernthal) it picked up again and i was hooked. I devoured this series over the course of two days and thoroughly enjoyed. A few SJW lines felt forced and out of place and you will recognize these moments when they come, but apart from this small flaw I loved The Punisher. I think this is Marvels second best Netflix show to date, beaten only by Daredevil season 1. 9/10 .
  • Enemy stars Jake Gyllenhaal as Adam Belle, a history teacher who lives a boring repetitive life. Upon the suggestion of a co worker he decides to rent a movie where he discovers an actor who resembles him identically. Adam slowly becomes obsessed with meeting his doppelganger and learning more about him.

    Enemy is not a typical movie. Many will finish watching it confused and unsure about what they had just spent the last hour and a half watching. Symbolism plays a key role in this movie and while I try not to spoil anything, arachnophobes beware!

    On a second viewing the movie begins to become clearer with various clues and hints standing out. While Enemy is not a conventional film I enjoyed it and have to give it 7/10. Any fans of Denis Villeneuve who directed Prisoners Will find this movie worth their time.
  • This movie is important. It tells the story of the struggles faced by the people who sought to have a differing political view in the 1950s and 60s. Their decision to think differently left them facing prejudice and hatred in America. This is the focus of this movie.

    The story follow Dalton Trumbo, portrayed by Brian Cranston,a successful screenwriter in Hollywood in the 1950s. Cranston carries this movie on the shoulders of his performance. It is truly phenomenal how he brings such life and energy to this character. He captured my attention anytime he was on-screen and is without a doubt one of the major reasons you should see this movie.If you are a fan of any of Cranstons previous works you should love this movie for that reason alone. Cranston was nominated for an Oscar for this performance, a nomination I believe was well deserved.

    The movie is of course based on a true story. while I cannot attest to the validity of the facts, I can confidently say that anyone interested in this period of history will find this movie much more enjoyable then reading a Wikipedia page.

    Overall I give Trumbo 8/10 for its compelling plot and excellent performances. i would highly recommend it.