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I just saw 'Joker' (2019) at my local theater and it was a masterpiece! Give Phoenix his Oscar now!

Adam Sandler: 100% Fresh

100% Fresh. 0% Funny
I watched this on Netflix about a day after it came out. I didn't know what to expect because I had never seen Adam Sandler's stand up comedy before. Well, after watching this, I know I won't be watching anymore of it! Do not waste your time and don't listen to the bot reviews. This Sucks!

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

This show was my freakin childhood!!
When I was 2-6, this show was my childhood! I loved it! Me, my grandma, and my grandpa would record and watch every episode that came on! Now, today is my birthday and I'm turning 14. Time to watch some Mr. Rogers...


I know that a lot of people don't like this game, and I completely understand that. But a lot of other people really like this game, and I'm one of them! Great online Battle Royale!

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

Better than the first
This is a short and simple review. I like it more than I like the first one

The Lego Movie Videogame

Good game, not the best LEGO game though.
This game seems to have been very rushed. It was still a good game but the graphics weren't as good as other LEGO games. 7/10

Days of Our Lives

The acting in Spy Kids 3 was better than this
Garbage!! Terrible!! So boring and the acting is bad. Also has bad characters! -9848483/10

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

I absolutely love this film!! It's 100% in my top 5 favorites! Johnny Depp's performance, as well as the other cast members, is fantastic! I myself am not a fan of musicals, but I really enjoy that this is a musical! I give it a 10/10!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Only Marvel fans think this is bad!! Real DC fans know how good it is!
Let me just start by saying that this movie is one of the best!!! It's in my top 5 favorite movies! Ben Affleck as Batman is the best Batman to date! Very intimidating unlike Christian Bale's batjoke! Jesse Eisenberg was also an amazing Lex! But again, only real DC fans realize it! The story was amazing! Great plot and twists! I give this movie an 11/10!


Most suspenseful movie I've ever seen!!
2010's "Buried" with Ryan Reynolds is an amazing movie! The whole movie takes place where Paul is trapped, which is something I really liked. The Movie was especially depressing when you find out he has a wife and son. At the end of the movie, I was on the edge of my seat! He called his wife and told her he was about to get out. She made him promise that he'd be home and he promised. Then he calls the people who are getting him out. Only to find out that they went to the wrong area. So he's is left to drown in the sand that is falling through the coffin. And that's where it ends... with the coffin full of sand... and nothing else. I give this movie a 10/10 and need to buy it!!

Daddy's Home

I have to say that Daddy's Home is one of my favorite movies ever!! It is incredibly funny and Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg make a fantastic team in movies. My favorite character is Griff! He is soooo funny! Everything he says just makes me laugh every time I watch this! I give this movie a 10/10 in my book!

Kung Fu Panda 3

This movie was just awful. Terrible plot. Stupid characters. And all in all just a boring movie. The whole time I wanted to leave the room but I suffered through it! To not believe the hype!!

Black Panther

Do not believe the hype..
This movie wasn't as good as people say it was. Black Panther did have a very good villain, but other than that it was pretty boring. Nothing even remotely entertaining happened until the final battle. Even Stan Lee's cameo was bad. But I have to give this movie a 2/10.

Injustice 2

Absolutely Fantastic!!
I always loved Injustice: Gods Among Us from 2013! But Injustice 2 was 10 times better than they first! The Story was amazing!!! (The Story in the first game was better) but I have to say the characters and the gameplay style make this game what it is! They've added something called "The Gear System" which allows you to customize your characters. They also have the TMNT in the game!! All in all I give this game a 10/10.

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