
IMDb member since March 2017
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    7 years


Zombieland: Double Tap

The first one is one of my all time favorite zombie movies, so I was excited and nervous at the same time when I heard they were making a sequel... the first time I saw it I thought it was ok. Not nearly as good as the first one but fine. And the more I thought about it and the more times I watched it and after reading reviews, I realized how thin the plot is and how many things that don't make sense compared to the first one. It just felt like a cash grab to me.

They shouldn't have made a second one, or they should have waited till they came up with a better plot and some character development for the main characters who haven't changed at all in the ten years they've been together.

A shame and waste of potential:/

All Together Now

The book was better
I know a lot of people hate the "the book is better than the movie" but this really takes the cake. The movie was alright BUT soooo much from the book was either changed or skipped over. I was so excited for this movie and was left disappointed. The whole situation where Amber meets her mom's killer was such a good story and the old veteran with the haikus was so beautiful. We get nothing of that, just the classic "girl who wants to be a singer but can't afford it" story. Oh and she's in love with a boy (which was not a big part of the book). Overall disappointing.


Elodi the forever victim
The show is fine. I feel like the storyline is a little weak.

But one thing I hate about the show is Elodie, Dont get me wrong I love that the LGBTQ community is represented. But I hate how stuck up, ungrateful and childish she acts to her dad, brother and stepmom. She's always mad at them and acts like a victim all the time even when she's the one in the wrong. This made me want not to watch the show. I just hated her character.

Like At the end of season one when she ran away because She got grounded for stealing a car. And then gets mad when she gets back and her dad and stepmom tries to help her and keep her under control for a while, proving yet again that Elodi is the victim.

I just don't get her and that kinda ruined the show for me.

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