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The Affair: Episode #4.9
Episode 9, Season 4

Alison is The Affair
I don't understand beginning Season 3, it lacks continuity and depth that I loved in Season 1 and 2. The scene with Alison and Cole last night, from Season 1, I think is one of the best i've seen in a movie or series . I understand Ruth wanted to leave, I don't understand the way they decided she will. It doesn't make sense, no continuity from Season 1 and 2, is broken

The Affair: Episode #4.8
Episode 8, Season 4

Do not believe the 10 stars, is pure propaganda
I watched this Series from the beginning and I loved Season 1 and 2, its broken disjointed from Season 3. Come on, Noah is solving his schizophrenic episodes on his own in 2 days and Alison first abandons her daughter for 6 months and now she commits suicide over a man she met and knew for 6 weeks (I understand now). Watch how Vik will beat the pancreatic cancer, because whom wrote this is clearly a misogynistic one. A woman portrayed in Season 1 and 2 carrying so much pain over the loss of her son cannot EVER do what Alison did in Season 3 and 4. Definitely the writer knows very little about women in general, its pure nonsense propaganda.


A real world on itself away from the world as we know it.
This is an America I know so little about, like me so many out there, I guess. Tough, wild, passionate, where a written law is just that. I start watching because of Taylor Sheridan, I loved "Wind River" and Sicario, so real, no Hollywood nonsense, well chosen cast, so refreshing. Highly recommended, I will not give any details, just watch

Royal Matchmaker

The settings are very nice ... Peles Castle, Sinaia/Romania and the train station and... lovely The end you know it is just a nice journey quite a surprise.

All of My Heart: Inn Love

Just the actors, the rest is nothing like "All of my heart"
I see the director is different and this might be the reason. The setting on this one looked like studio and the story was poor, for me at least. You will not see the real-life charm farmhouse used in the first movie. First movie had a story, heart and nice settings. This is in Hallmark line of movies and that's about it!


An insanely well made drama by Netflix, again
I don't like the subject, I know is fiction but appears to be so real. I have little to no understanding for drug dealings and money laundering . Brings only pain and death but this series is insanely outstanding, a very well made and acted drama. Great performance from all actors, such a great setting, real and sad, tough to watch. I started watching for Jason Bateman and Laura Linney and I ended liking very much Julia Gardner, Charlie Tahan, Harris Yulin and so many others, The entire cast is a delight to watch acting, If you expect a Hollywood type of movie with happy ending and some lessons learned, where they hug and ask for forgiveness, is not for you. This is not a romantic comedy. It's a great drama that stays with you some time after you STOP the last scene. I have no doubt is happening in many places in real America, a forgotten place where people see no hope to get out unless.... and they fall.


Just when one might think "House of Cards" was tough.
Caught in a personal fight the President and his wife that ended in a tragedy. The President is killed and the blame is on his wife. She is trying to escape in order to buy time and find out who killed him, while some in the Government and others puts the blame on her. Goes from the top of Mexican society to the drug tunnels of Mexico City in a very realistic manner. Netflix did it again, very well.

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