
IMDb member since April 2017
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Set Me Free: Vol. II

Jess steals the show!
This film is the best, it has some interesting twists and keeps me engaged. The actors did an amazing job and I loved the direction of the film itself. Jess, you are an amazing actress who knows how to get into the skin of the character in a believable way. Other actors did well too and I know they are already achieving the success they deserve. Well done everyone, I am so proud of you to those who are actually trying to make their dreams become a reality. A great day to spend a few hours; excellent and outstanding. Highly recommended. I enjoyed it highly and would watch this multiple times. Great!

The Devil's Bargain

The Devil's Bargain
As a reviewer it can often take something special to peak ones interest in a movie - in the case of The Devil's Bargain it was the news the writer/director Drew Cullingham was set to self-distribute his latest movie via Distrify, the online video site that lets you sell or stream your film for a fee, directly to fans. Why did that peak my interest? Well, I stupidly thought that distributing an apocalyptic tale, that apparently was filmed under the credo of "No money. No clothes. No fear" would perhaps push the boundaries of what was acceptable within the confines of the BBFC. How wrong could I have been!

Instead The Devil's Bargain is an overwrought, self-indulgent mess of a film that is the complete epitome of style over substance. The type of film that you'd expect from an art student not the fourth feature from an established director... And the real reason this film was released via self-distribution perhaps?

Terror Nation

Very good British horror
It makes a refreshing change to horror in the countryside as our so called heroes are making a run from their weird suitcase heist. It's an entertaining film from start to finish.

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